Invasion of Ruschia II
Dreamy America, Back-of-the-class Ruschia, and Realist Ukraine. Why we fall for trolls about German funding, beheadings, Doha peace talks, cybertruck, Nordstream and nuclear nonsense.
⚡️Dreamy America, Back-of-the-class Ruschia, and Realist Ukraine.
Dreamy American “Realists” dream of Ruschia finally learning its own lesson: it’s occupy Ukraine or maintain territorial integrity.
Back-of-the-class Ruschia and its leadership’s as dumb as they come. Ruschia will always double down on its bad decisions - like the criminals in Breaking Bad Ruschia always thinks every disaster can be recovered from by trying just One More Hail Mary MadCap Plan (after another).
Ukraine gets that Ruschism will be defeated, only, on the battlefield.
Continued from:
Invasion of Ruschia I:
Compilation Edition: Been a busy week with 2m readers of the following pieces published first on Twitter / X.
⚡️Kursk Invasion: Game Theory and IR Experts.
This is the most sensational innovation in geopolitics since WWII:
Anyone can occupy part of Ruschia with impunity. Decades of earnest Game Theory and escalation management IR text books aren’t worth more than toilet paper.
Ukraine’s feat has destroyed eighty years of International Relations (IR) Common Sense nonsense.
It’s a sensation that Ukraine has humiliated Ruschia in this way.
Never again will Ruschia be able to threaten the world with any credibility.
In response to Ukraine’s occupation of Ruschia, all a mumbling Putler did was offer 10,000 rubbish Rubles to those who have fled. Now, his mighty Disinfolklore apparatus simply pretends what is (Ukraine is occupying 750 of Ruschia) is an illusion.
⚡️Good News!
Ruschist sources: “All of Ruschia, except for Kursk and Bilhorod has now been liberated.”
⚡️No Minsk IV for Papa Lukashenko.
Papa Lukashenko has proposed a Minsk IV agreement (recall that Minsk III led to the Chef of Disinfolklore Prighozin halting his march on Moscow).
Two railway lines connect Beijing and Moscow (Belarus’s main trade partners) to Minsk.
Ukraine by taking Sudsza has cut one of them.
Soon Ukraine will cut the other.
Coincidentally Papa Lukashenko now characterises the full-scale genocide of Ukrainians he has actively participated in (including forcibly transferring Ukrainian children in violation of the genocide convention) as a “mere brawl.”
There will be no Minsk III or Minsk IV for Ukraine. Papa Lukashenko bet on the wrong horse.
⚡️Ruschia Trolls for ‘Private’ Talks
Leading “Ruschia Understander” Charap voices Ruschist Nomenclature’s persisting dream of Special Treatment.
Every bullet fired, mine planted, tortured Ukrainian child, starved Ukrainian Prisoner of War, forcibly transferred Ukrainian child coerced to speak Ruschian in Ruschia, Ruschist info warfare vector, far right riot in England or Northern Ireland is a communication by Ruschist leadership.
We experience billions of these ‘private communications’ every day.
Idea that in a Private Conversation brokered by @scharap between, say, @POTUS and Putler will yield any more weighty data about Ruschia’s bottom line than a bullet fired in occupied Zaporizhzhia by a Ruschist is for the birds.
After Ruschia leaves 100% of Ukraine, Ruschia will have a century of sanctions, financial repayments to 42m Ukrainians, war crimes trials and self-de-Nazification.
We don’t care what Ruschia wants to communicate privately. Ruschia communicates what it wants every time it murders a Ukrainian, starves them, tortures a Ukrainian child whose parents it murdered and whose pet it ate. Ruschia communicates these messages billions of time every day. Enough.
Ruschia has lost the war and lost agency. Centuries of privileged communications from Ruschia is over.
Today, our “Ruschia Policy” is our Ukraine Policy. We Centre Ukraine, not what ‘Putler Understanders’ think or Ruschia wants.
⚡️Kursk Republic Independence - Legal Considerations.
Ruschia will soon attempt its standard “if I can’t have you, no-one can” destruction of Kursk.
According to the Mariupol/Bakhmut/Severodonetsk / Bucha scenario.
Bucha II.
As Ruschia’s client state Serbia was taught to do by Ruschia in Kosova, Ruschia will go too far.
This will trigger the Right to Protect, which Ukraine is well placed to exercise, on behalf of the people of Kursk.
In gratitude the new state of Kursk will, in a free and fair referendum, vote to join Ukraine.
Ukraine will itself need a free and fair referendum after it restores control over 100% of its territory to allow parts of Ruschia west of the Don (Kuban, Rostov too) to become part of Ukraine again.
Making Greater Ukraine Again.
⚡️While Ruschists like Girkin await Ukraine’s Second Blow away from Kursk Ukraine maintains a choice:
Keep investing force power into occupying parts of Ruschist Federation (thereby demonstrating how dumb it is Ruschia is losing 1,300 souls a day trying to conquer villages in Ukraine)…
☢️⚡️Meaning of Ruschists’ Dirty Bomb Troll.
Ruschists’ are sick with worry cos Ukraine is occupying 1,100 of Ruschia.
So they’re playing their Greatest Hits of emotion-moving trolls, and, crazily, our media is replaying them, without tutoring us about how Ruschist Disinfolklore plays the same tunes repeatedly on a cycle.
Ruschists blew up Novo Kakhova dam, which lowered Dnieper River's upstream water level.
This disrupts Enerhodar nuclear power plant's cooling operation.
This is Muscovy's dirty bomb.
Accusation in a Mirror is Ruschia’s main rhetorical strategy - accuse the Other of what you’re planning yourself, as a pretext/ excuse/justification/motivation for executing against the other your genocidal plans.
Surrender to nuclear terrorism, and become a Ruschist slave.
⚡️Meaning of Severed Heads and nuclear terror.
Ruschia plans to sever the heads of fifty of its conscripts in Kursk - then blame Ukraine.
Ruschia’s only play (since mid-March 2022) is to scare cowards in the West into pressuring Ukraine to surrender to Ruschism and genocide.
As things get worse and worse on the battlefield Ruschia plays the same tunes again and again.
Ukraine - keep moving forward.
Ukraine - keep conquering and occupying Ruschia. That we hear these perennial trolls - Nordstream, dirty bomb, severed heads, ‘we’ll destroy the world rather than accept that we’re the idiot’ … - from Russian Disinfolklorists echoed through our own Useful Idiot media is the measure of Ukraine’s success.
Ruschia wants to have an excuse to execute its Bucha II Master Plan in Kursk.
Bucha I: Butcher Ukrainians so that Ruschia’s Disinfolklore Apparatus can blame Ukraine.
Bucha II: Butcher Ruschians so that Ruschia’s Disinfolklore Apparatus can blame Ukraine.
Ruschia is a One Trick Pony. Pattern Recognition is a skill we can all keep getting better at.
Note how Ruschist Disinfolklore is distancing Ruschia from the people of Kursk already.
Already Ruschia’s refusing to commit more resources to Kursk.
Already, Ruschia is preparing to kill its own people as a Hail Mary attempt to get Ukraine’s allies to persuade Ukraine to relent.
Ruschia prefers to keep its elite forces in another country - Ukraine.
So it sends its conscripts to Kursk, where the FSB is already working on the logistics of a barbarous operation against its own people it will blame on Ukraine.
How dumb is that?
Ruschia fears Ukraine’s Kursk counter-invasion is not the main thrust (😹).
So it allows Ukraine to continue eating up Ruschian territory like PacMan while Ruschia’s elite forces in Ukraine expend thousands of Ruschist souls to conquer each 100m.
Talk about thinking yourself into oblivion. Ruschia is seriously the dumbest set of blood thirsty imperialists the world has ever known.
Ruschia had already lost the war - after Ukraine’s first weeks of resistance. I called it in early March 2022, as did many others. As soon as we saw how rubbish Ruschist army is.
Ruschia just cannot face this fact. No reason though why we should find an off-ramp for Ruschist stupidity.
So it is implementing madcap plan after madcap plan.
Remember Bucha I was performed in order to blame Ukraine which its chief Disinfolklorists continue to do - even in the UN Security Council.
You always know when Ruschia is on the ropes.
It plays its greatest hits - severed heads, nuclear threats, ‘we will destroy the world,’ yaddah, yadda, to scare the horses.
Had we not appeased Ruschia in 2014, we would not be here now.
If you surrender to terror, you become a slave.
And Ruschia is a nation of slaves from Putler down to the lowliest axe murderer in Ruschia everyone is a slave to someone else.
⚡️Genius Putler Rolled Again!
Recently, Putler moaned that “The West” had fooled him in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and in 2023.
Each time the Honest Naïf Bear Cub, hand on heart, trusts “The West” (and, as Ruschist Disinfolklore always portrays it, its instrument Ukraine), in the end, Ruschia and Putler gets rolled.
Is it any wonder Ruschia feels justified in murdering hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and invading Ukraine!
Actually, this grievance-mining by Putler and the Ruschist Disinfolklorist is the Accusation in a Mirror Ruschia uses to justify / pre-text its genocide in Ukraine.
Now, Ruschia fell for the troll when a month ago President Zelenskyy expressed the view that negotiations were inevitable.
Putler licked his lips.
And assumed Ukraine was about to fold.
Now, Ukraine is occupying 1,400 sq. km of Ruschia, and Ruschist Disinfolklorists are promoting trolls dutifully repeated in America’s pro-Donald / Ruschia legacy media:
if only Ukraine hadn’t invaded Ruschia, Ruschia was ready for peace.
Take this to the bank:
This war will be won on the battlefield- by Ukraine.
⚡️Ruschia’s Disinfolklore: Dirty Bomb, Severed Heads, Germany Abandoning Ukraine, Nordstream, Doha Peace Talks…
These are all trolls. Know the gullible by those who take these trolls seriously.
Ukraine is destroying Ruschia. Ruschia is in retreat in its own land. Like a rabbit caught in the headlights, Ruschia doesn’t know if Ukraine’s lawful counter-invasion is the main thrust, or just a distraction from something even more sublime. So Ruschia is conceding 1,500 sq. km of Ruschia for patches of Ukraine’s Donetsk.
ALL Ruschia has are its Disinfolklore vectors, Useful Idiot journos and us, if we repeat and amplify these trolls.
Press on Ukraine. Stick a fork in Ruschia’s ass. It’s done.
⚡️Ruschia’s Rabbit in the Headlights.
Ukraine is destroying Ruschia. Ruschia is in retreat in its own land.
Like a rabbit caught in the headlights, Ruschia doesn’t know if Ukraine’s lawful counter-invasion is the main thrust, or just a distraction from something even more sublime.
So Ruschia is conceding 1,500 sq. km of Ruschia for patches of Ukraine’s Donetsk.
Press on Ukraine. Stick a fork in Ruschia’s ass. It’s done.
⚡️Ruschia blew up the Nordstream pipeline.
Got the Mana of “If I can’t have you, no-one can” which is the Mana / energy of Ruschism written all over it.
Then Ruschia promotes these trolls as a warning to Ukraine’s allies that Ruschia (which no longer controls its own territory) can blow up undersea infrastructure.
That is the meaning of the troll this Murdoch-owned rag is promoting.
⚡️Why we fall for trolls about German funding, beheadings, Doha peace talks, cybertruck, Nordstream and nuclear nonsense.
Ruschia expertly targets these trolls for our our own psychological vulnerabilities.
Our primary vulnerability is that we find it hard to accept that we can be trolled.
Only stupid people are trolled. Not experts in their field.
Yet, suddenly respected media outlets themselves get trolled into amplifying nonsense and we jump on the bandwagon re-amplifying that nonsense.
Whole thing takes off.
Result is that we end up spreading nonsense, and groundlessly provoking fear in others’ (especially Ukrainians’) minds that Ukraine will be abandoned.
Our second vulnerability is that we’re sure Ukraine will be betrayed by our countries which have taken so long to help Ukraine adequately.
Let’s continue to advocate for more help (long range weapons), without biting the hand that feeds us (EU and America have provided equivalent of around €200b to Ukraine and soon Ukraine will have access to $300b in frozen Ruschist assets).
Ukraine needs more, faster, but let’s not alienate those who are trying. Let’s advocate in emotionally clever and effective ways, not by bringing up Germany’s murder of millions of Ukrainians.
After Germany went All-In a year into the war, I stopped referencing that (though I do remind Austria that 1m Austrian troops participated in the murder of millions of Ukrainians - cos Austria has done nothing voluntarily to help Ukraine).
That’s what Ruschia wants: Divide and Conquer.
What to look for?
Stories that provoke immediate and extreme emotional reactions. This is the energy / Mana Ruschia uses to provoke us into sharing nonsense.
If the story is almost uncannily perfectly pitched to destroy Ukrainians’ sense of joy that they’re invading Ruschia, be ultra ultra suspicious.
Memes that depress spirits should be considered as trolls.
If they depress Ruschist spirits they’re Positive Trolls, and if they depress Ukrainians spirits they’re Negative Trolls and prima facie suspicious.
We have heard these stories again and again. That familiarity is precisely why they sound worth sharing.
They’re variations on a Temnik (‘theme’).
Ruschia is a One Trick Pony.
It’s lazy, uncreative.
It knows some proud know-it-all veteran journalists will repeat the same nonsense that sounds plausible - watching highly experienced journalists unknowingly promoting Ruschian Disinfolklore by echoing stories they’ve read in respectable media outlets, is disconcerting.
Core teaching in Counter Disinfolklore:
We are all susceptible to being trolled, for good or for bad.
We can however learn to get better at Controlling how such War Magic manipulates our moods / attitudes / intentions and motivations.
See how Ukraine trolled Putler himself into prioritising taking a few fields in Donetsk over protecting Ruschia?!
Emotion-moving communications of all kinds whether an actual bomb exploding beside us or an info-bomb stopping us sleeping through the anger, disgust, sadness it provokes in our minds.
Counter Disinfolklore ~ Controlling War Magic:
⚡️How We Know Ruschia is Done.
Since 2005 Putler reactivated the Soviet-era troll that the ONLY moment that mattered was victory over Nazi invaders.
May 9 parades and worship of the ancestors was reactivated with gusto. I saw this with my own eyes.
Putler was hijacking six decades of Soviet Disinfolklore about Victory over the invaders.
Attaching it to himself - wise and protective was the troll he injected into the minds of every Russian and potential Ruschist.
No such troll survives first contact with the Armed Forces of Ukraine occupying 1,400 sq km of Ruschia.
Now, Ukraine has invaded Ruschia - and all Ruschia got is a million memes whose Mana / Energy immanent within them is that:
“Ukraine will regret occupying 1,400 square kms of Ruschia.”
Anyone you see promoting that troll or entertaining idea that Ukraine should not have counter-invaded Ruschia and occupied 1,400 sq km is either confused / gullible / being trolled by Ruschist Disinfolklore OR a complete 🤡.
The Protection of Ruschia from invaders is THE main troll promoted in a billion memes a day by Putler and his Disinfolklorists since 1999.
War in Chechnya which FSB created pretext for was Putler’s introduction letter to Russia and the world.
Now Ukraine has shown wise and protective Nordic Russian troll Putler is an easy mark.
Stick a fork in Ruschia’s ass. Turn it over. It’s done.
⚡️Peak Copium: “Ukrainians in Donetsk and L’viv are more Russian than Russians in Kursk.”
Just as Marx’s ‘Historical Materialism’ which powered USSR envisaged a moment when the Forces of Production became fettered by the Mode of Production (Capitalism), and society would then transform into Communism, so…
The contradictions in Ruschist Disinfolklore will jam up Ruschism and transform Ruschia into emptiness.
⚡️Severed Heads in Lore
"There was in fact a veritable cult of the severed head among the Celts which is not easy to explain... 'I have never slept without the head of a Connachtman under my knee!', says the Ulster hero, Conall Cernach, in The Story of Mac Dathó's Pig..."
Image of Lord of Death Yama dancing on severed heads, I took in Dankur Monastery, Spiti Valley, India. Spiti Valley divides Indo-European India from Tibet.
⚡️Chew on This Ruschists: Ukrainian Muslim Tatar Invades Ruschia.
Ruschia established the brand “Putler” by murdering 1m Isckerian Muslims in the second Chechen war.
Today, an army led by Ukraine’s indigenous Muslim Tatar defence minister occupies 1,400 sq km of Ruschia.
Chew on that.
"Power (Mana) in Russia is transmitted by public acts of submission AND huge blood sacrifices (e.g. Chechnya)…”