Pensées (14)
Kerch Bridge, Why We Must Call Russians 'Nazis,' Coup NOT Mutiny, Chevrons Ancient History, How G-7 Commitments Differ From Budapest Memo, Trolling Troll Farms.
⚡️Elon Musk Offers To Fix Kerch Bridge.
After Russia’s unlawfully built Kerch Bridge was hit this morning, famous American engineer, Elon "Muskow" Musk has offered to rebuild Kerch Strait Bridge.
"This bridge is a symbol of peace between Ukraine and Ruschia. My engineers have already emailed the "Hyperloop" drawings to my friends in Moscow."
⚡️Kerch Bridge History.
The English first floated the idea of a bridge over the Kerch Strait.
The first railway in the region was built by the English during the First Crimean War (1853-1856).
England's plan for a railway from Delhi to Dublin never bore fruit.
During the Nazi campaign to seize the Caucasus, in 1942, German soldiers took the first steps to construct a bridge. Before they could complete the project, Soviet soldiers captured the area.
During WWII engineers built a one-track rail bridge across the Kerch Strait, but in February, 1945, four months after the first freight train passed over it, an ice floe hit the bridge and it collapsed.
⚡️Coup, NOT Mutiny.

Russia introduced the "Coup" troll into Western political discourse in February 2014.
Authoritarians since have branded Democratic events, as their opposite: A coup.
Russia's president of Ukraine was lawfully impeached in February 2014. Russia branded this a "coup." President Zelenskyy won an unprecedented (in any democracy) 73% of the popular vote in 2019. Ruschia and its surrogates brand that democratic event: a coup.
Trump brands his loss in a democratic election a "Coup," while branding an actual attempted coup on Jan 6th a "protest" against a non-existent coup.
It's, again, Accusation in a Mirror. Authoritarians are addicted to this rhetorical stance.
Far-right racist English interior minister Braverman imported the coup troll into English political discourse.
Today, as Russia pretends the ongoing coup is over, it uses terms like "mutiny."
Don't fall for this troll, which many Russia "experts" are propagating.
Russia is undergoing an actual coup, so let's call a spade a spade.
Let's reclaim "Coup" from the authoritarians who try to brand democratic events as coups.
⚡️Why We Must Brand "Russian Nazis" As Nazis.
⚡️Why We Must Brand "Russian Nazis" As Nazis.
First, there is no tactic the German Nazis used which Russia isn't currently using in Ukraine:
Mass Murder;
Ruschist army unit "Wanger" was founded by a Nazi; it follows a Nazi ideology (it sacrifices to Odin, for example); and after killing hundreds of thousands of Syrians Wanger has murdered 100,000 Ukrainians, vaporised Popasna and Bakhmut;
Dehumanising those they intend to murder;
Vaporising whole cities;
Execution of elites;
Forced passportization;
Forcible transportation of children, and grown-ups;
Death camps (Oleneivka);
Working Ukrainians to death;
Starving Ukrainians to death;
Trying to starve Africa;
Forced military service of Ukrainians against their fellow Ukrainians;...
I could go on, but anyone who has been keeping the receipts (as I have been doing here in 25,000 tweets seen by 60m people since 24th Feb 2022) feel free to add in what I've missed.
Second, Russia uses the term "Nazi" to dehumanise every single person in the Western world (including Ukrainians).
This dehumanisation is a signature far-right Nazi tactic.
Slaughtering dehumanised "enemies" (who are completely innocent of any crime) is easier for Russian Nazis.
How do we fight against this?
By making baseless accusations against us of being Nazis, Russia reveals its fear:
Russia knows it's a Nazi state.
This is why it's trying to close off the possibility of using that nomenclature to characterise its shameful behaviour.
Russia hopes to make it impossible for us to use that moniker to brand Ruschists and their Nazi tactics "Ruschist Nazis."
This way it hopes to be considered Not As Bad As The Nazis, even though in Ukraine in the places it has occupied those who lived through the German Nazi occupation call the Ruschist occupation worse.
We must fight rhetorical fire with fire. Leaving Ruschia to dominate the linguistic battle space is precisely why we're in this mess. Instead of calling Ruschia out on its genocidal rhetoric since 2024, we ignored it.
Russia decouples labels (Nazis) from their meanings, when it accuses the western world of being what we are not.
We have vast empirical evidence that, since Feb 24th 2022, Russia has been practising at scale and as a matter of strategy Nazi tactics.
Russia is using the Nazi accusation as a tactic to dehumanise those it plans to murder, torture, deport, maim.
Therefore, Russia has opened itself up to being similarly accused, if actual evidence of Nazi tactics exists.
And it does in Ruschia's case, but not in ours.
Let's, then, reattach "Nazi" to its proper meaning: anyone who engages in Nazi tactics is a Nazi. All Ruschists are Nazis.
Empty accusations that the whole of Western world (including Ukraine) are Nazis aren't acceptable.
Nazi as a signifier must be attached to a harmonious meaning.
In our case, we aren't Nazis.
In Ruschia's case they are Nazis because they use Nazi tactics as they wage a war of aggression and genocide.
I understand that calling anyone a "Nazi" is a huge step.
As someone who visited Auschwitz I understand how disgusting the German Nazis were.
Yet, since Feb 24th 2022 we must face what our enemy - the z ruschist Nazi- has done, and what it plans to do to us.
It's 1939.
Every day Ruschist state TV and senior officials threaten nuclear attacks which are genocide against us.
So taking into account the last 510 days of data, we no longer speak of "THE" Nazis.
Today, we speak (in the past tense) of "German Nazis" and (in the present tense) of "Ruschist Nazis."
By labelling an Other as "Nazi" Ruschist Nazis, like Medvedyev, thought we wouldn't notice the Wanger Ruschist Nazis and Medvedyev and Putin's own worship of the Nazis.
We reclaim naming rights for Nazis, from Ruschist Nazis.
⚡️The coup indeed continues.
Distrust ANY so-called Russia expert who promotes the troll it ended with the Minsk III Agreement.
Know these False Priest Russia "experts" by the way they unknowingly repeat the lines they're fed by the very Disinfolklorists they're saying have been smited by the cartoon Strongman Disinfolklore character of Putin.
⚡️This military support from G-7 states is why these security commitments differ from Budapest Memorandum.
Germany has gone from 5,000 helmets to €17b in military support for Ukraine. This is a huge testament to Ukrainians' resistance, diplomacy, and strategic cleverness at all levels of society.
Here it's not a piece of paper, it's materiel and money. Ukraine will do the rest to expel the invaders and ensure they never return.
⚡️Putin's Drug Addiction - Head of Ukraine's military intelligence reveals Putin is addicted to illegal narcotics.
On 24th February 2022 Putin made three claims about Ukraine:
First, that they were being "held hostage" by their leaders - in reality, unlike in Russia, Ukrainians elect their leaders, right down to village level. Genocide Lawyers call this "Accusation in a Mirror" - Genocide "perpetrator accuses the targeted group of planning, or having committed, atrocities like those the speaker envisions against them, framing the putative victims as an existential threat and making violence against them seem defensive and necessary." Ruschia planned to hold Ukraine, Ukrainians, and indeed all of Europe hostage to nuclear blackmail.
Second, now we hear Putin has addiction to illegal narcotics. And he accuses the very people he was planning to kill of having just such an addiction. Textbook projection. You can read Putin like a textbook case.
Third: Nazis in Ukraine. Only Nazis in Ukraine are the Ruschist government's "Wanger" group who are Nazi worshippers. Clue is in their name.
We've long known Ruschia's leadership got high on its own supply of Disinfolklore. Long been rumoured Putin (initially / still(?)) was only an instrument for the true Boss of Bosses Simeon Mogilievich. No idea if Simeon was involved in selling illegal narcotics. Still, a tantalisingly perfect thought: Putin, like the guy in Breaking Bad, always thinking one last deal and then he'll get out, also ends up getting high on his own supply of illegal narcotics.
English nationalists adopt the "British" nomenclature to disguise their extreme English authoritarian imperialism: Wales and Scotland are subjects to them. Braverman, who's England's interior minister and who is English and who sits in England's Parliament (where Scottish and Welsh MPs' votes carry no collective comparative weight to Englands'), only ever speaks from the standpoint of an extreme English nationalist. Yet the rhetoric of "Britishness" conceals this.
⚡️When you read "fired troll farm workers expose Russia's lies about genocide in Luhansk" we're being fed Disinfolklore from Disinfolklorists.
They tell a "truth" that people like me who actually worked in occupied Ukraine for years been telling since 2015.
International Court of Justice ruled in March 2022 that russian pretence for invasion, alleged “genocide in Donbas” was unsupported.
The troll farms still work but have created a new vehicle through which to get coverage in Western minds:
A new role as Truth-Telling Chef of Disinfolklore. Like your favourite actor moving on from a starring role in Apocalypse Now to the first film version of Dostoyevsky's The Idiot.
Now because the Chef and his surrogates (don't believe this "former troll farm employee" baloney - that's just Disinfolklore that tricks you into hearing the message) is being breathlessly reported as gospel.
Russian Disinfolklorists, as did Khrushchev, use truth as a vehicle to legitimate themselves.
The Chef's troll farms are still working.
Getting quotes about the troll farms from those running the troll farms...
Well, do I really need to point out how absurd it is to expect those responsible for promoting genocide to tell the truth when they make statements to other media?!
They're literally professional trolls.
There's no off-switch.
"Chevrons and Vs as a single motif appeared for thousands of years, engraved, painted, or in relief on objects used to worship the bird goddess.
The longevity is amazing: the signs endure for about 15,000 years, from the Upper Palaeolithic through the Neolithic.
V signs and chevrons mark vases and other ritual objects through time, serving the same divinity.
If she gave life and protection, symbolic decoration included V's, chevrons, spirals, trilines, meanders, snake spirals, parallel line bands, and other signs linked to the bird and snake.
This hourglass- shaped goddess frequently occurs in vase paintings from the Cucuteni (Tripoly e) culture in Ancient Ukraine, dating from 4500 to 3000 B.C.
The vases depict her as a center cartouche flanked by huge spirals, chevrons, or meanders."