Pensées (19)
⚡️Russia's 'Half-Breed' Loneliness: Surkov created the "Putin" Disinfolklore character.
Half-Chechen/half-Indo-European Surkov wrote "Half Breed Loneliness" in 2018.
It's Muscovy's epitaph.
Celebrates Muscovy's isolation.
Projects (as all Ruschist historiography does) a singing sense of personal inadequacy about being, under Ruschia's racist “national minorities” troll, a half-breed himself, unto an imaginary State - Ruschia.
Surkov, whose name means “marmot” and was invented to conceal his Chechen identity in the deeply racist Russia, created the ideology of the Born Again KGB/FSB reign.
Putin preferred Surkov with deputy prime-ministership.
When wave of protests failed to be suppressed by Surkov's Ruschist youths, he lost favour.
Ukraine was Surkov's reach for absolution.
The moment President Zelenskyy openly mocked Ruschist Nazi Putin in a Paris press conference in 2019, with Surkov looking on. Putin had just suggested Ukraine had broken a promise to let Ruschia hold elections in Russia occupied Ukraine.
Surkov who along with Merkel and Macron had convinced Putin to go to Paris where Putin expected to meet a Ukrainian Petain never recovered. Surkov attempted to stay over night in Paris after the meeting (to defect?), but France refused to allow him to, due to sanctions.
Here's Putin's election HQ on the day he "won" office. Surkov is in the first shot.
Now under house arrest for corruption in 🇺🇦, half-blood Indo-European/half-blood Chechen Surkov (shown) toasted victory that night this:
"To the deification of power/authority/rule/elite (власти)"
What Surkov is speaking about, of course, is what I term Mana:
Of course, this positioning of Russia as something different and as opposed to “The West” is highly unoriginal. It’s the central troll underlying Dostoyevsky's oeuvre too. The idea that somehow Russia is a thing to itself, and opposed to the whole of western civilisation. A Kazakh colleague once revealed to me that from the Qaziq standpoint we’re all the same - “Americans, English, French, Nordic Russians (e.g. Putin), Slavic Russians (e.g. Yeltsin)… The Muscovite horde. You’re invaders in our lands.”
⚡️Why China and Russia's Anti-Western Rhetoric's Fake.
Very often fake Ukrainian Ruschist trolls are marked by the way they Other, negatively, the West.
Donbass S does this all the time dividing Ukraine from the West rhetorically.
Promoting only difference, not the identity between us Indo-Europeans.
Genuine Central Europeans, who share a Euro-Atlantic world view, also Other "the West". So this is not a fail-safe Ruschist troll detector.
Yet, where the Othering is coupled with vicious, or negating sentiMeNt, then, that's, generally speaking, a Ruschist state-funded troll promoting division.
Often, like Donbass S, they simply can't help themselves with the anti-Western rhetoric - they're brain-washed Ruschists who promote difference, genocide and ecocide as a job.
Yet, we're all Indo-Europeans (except, linguistically speaking, the Basques, Finns and Hungarians).
I include the Axis of Misogyny (Russia, Iran and China) in this plea to see us as essentially culturally Similar, as well as Japan, Tibet, Taiwan & South Korea.
Not linguistically, of course, yet Tibet, China, Central Asia, Japan, and South Korea as MahayaNa Buddhist cultures for MilleNnia are as Indo-European as you can get.
MaiNly Indo-European aspects of MahayaNa Buddhism (from Nalanda MoNks in India) has been the MaiN identity, consciousness and religion-forming ideology from Ireland to Indonesia for over 1,500 years.
"ComMUNIsm" of course is also an Indo-European ideology (old wine in new bottles).
The "Muni" in the word is one of the near ubiquitous M-N- sounds that signifies "energy" and began as the MooN-based metaphor among the first Indo-European language speakers in Ancient Ukraine.
The central idea in Marxism is a very ancient proto-Indo-European/Ancient Ukrainian idea with fancy modern clothes on:
In Capitalism, according to Marx's 1844 / Paris Manuscripts, the proletarian is alienated (psychologically) from their own MaNa when the physical output of their labour is (alienated from them /) appropriated by the Capitalist.
The wage Capital pays Labour in return for the worker investing some of their soul / Mana / energy into the output of their labour does not, according to Marx, ameliorate this psychological alienation.
In early GerMaNic and RoMaN law, (which are close to their Ancient Ukrainian roots) we have evidence that something of ourselves (our Mana/Subtle Energy) becomes a part of the objects we touch, possess, and create.
The reMNant (another M-N- word) of this is in modern contract law in CoMmoN Law jurisdictions - even when there's no MoNey (another M-N- word) to be paid, a peppercorn (consideration) is given by the leader/renter to the property owner in return for the right of the tenant to occupy the property.
In that peppercorn is the "MaNa" of the renter.
This exchange of MaNa between the two contracting parties is the essence of the nexus or contract.
This is a core Indo-European belief about what connects us in comMuNities (another M-N- word).
So the idea that Russia or China which, even today, promote their identity by reference to Communism are "anti-Western" is somewhat laughable.
When you see in either place a comMuNist flag or hear comMuNist rhetoric (Chinese ComMuNist Party anyone!) remember, this is core Indo-European stuff, linguistically, religiously, and substantively.
It's evidence that this "anti-western" pose is merely rhetorical othering.
It's a troll.
Our Indo-European language and (for non-Indo-European language speakers) our world view formed by Indo-European religious and legal world views connect us to one another in ways which those who seek to divide us gloss over.
The ComMoN Source for much of these core Indo-European aspects of our identities, worldviews, languages, values (as enshrined in our post-WWII legal order) and religious outlooks is located geographically in an area of eastern Ukraine affected particularly when Russia blew the dam.
⚡️America Deals With Its Russia-funded Demons. England Continues Being Trolled By Them.
England's Brexit shame is driven by Russia-funded demons like Legatum (which appears to own GB News, launders payments to leading pro-Brexit English politicians through TV appearances, and has provided key staff to England's government since 2011) and Farage.
Two entirely concocted stories last week dominated English info space (Farage and Wooton). Meanwhile those who breached multiple laws that has led so far to a £2t Brexit shame are on the loose with the institutionally corrupt, misogynistic and racist (not my words) police doing nothing to hold the wrongdoers to account.
England trolled by these Russia funded forces into self-sanctioning Brexit is no closer to understanding the nature of emotionally resonant Disinfolklore and how easily it's being manipulated.
Meanwhile, America's justice system grinds Russia supported Trump into dust.
⚡️My intuition: due to the source (a budget Indian so-called news source) that this is Ruschist Disinfo. Ruschists want to launder Disinfolklore up through media until in a few weeks it features among stories in the NYT along the lines of: "UN Missteps..."
Ruschist hope that, within a week or two, the outrage that the UN is blessing a dead Ruschist propagandist will be picked up by proper news outlets or distributed on Twitter.
There may be a grain of truth in the Disinfolklore somewhere. But as with the case below, that grain is microscopic:
Contrary to Sputnik disinfo, US Senate did NOT discuss transferring $340b in frozen Ruschist assets to 🇺🇦.
Andrew Adams did NOT express support for such a move.
US Senator SteveDaines has introduced a bill to offset US $40b in aid to 🇺🇦 with $40b frozen oligarch assets.