Pensées (3)
"Hungary" occupies Indo-European territory in the same manner, as the basis Hungary uses to claim part of Ukraine's Carpathian region as part of some bogus Greater Hungary.
Actually, the land Hungary temporarily occupies is more Indo-European than Hungary's is "Hungarian."
Until "Hungarian" immigrants arrived in Hungary, Hungary's occupants' genes included the mainly Bronze Age-associated Y chromosome lineage R1b-M269 that is absent from those first Hungarians. Indo-Europeans with that chromosome lineage has occupied today's Hungary for 3,000 years before Orban and his fellow immigrants' ancestors invaded Indo-European civilisation.
So if Hungary wishes to invade, occupy, and attack Ukraine (where the first Indo-Europeans lived) on grounds of ancestry, it's on shaky ground. It's important to remind Hungary of this.
As a member of the E.U., UN, and OSCE Hungary, however, has committed to confining itself to its post-1990 borders.
So every time Hungary tries to to attack other European state's sovereignty, I shall remind Hungary that although welcome, they're only recently arrived immigrants in our common Indo-European space.
Perhaps, this will help Hungary understand that if they open the question of borders, then the rest of us will too.
⚡️"Right" is Russia belongs to she who possesses the Thunderbolt.
Here (exactly 2 weeks before he launched his coup) the Chef Saucerer warned us Russia's nuclear weapons are safer with him, than with the current "Right" holders.
"Russian authorities may launch a nuclear strike on the Belgorod region - Prigozhin
*Isn't it because we are retreating in the Belgorod region, allowing them to advance, that it's scary to throw at someone else's, but we'll throw at our own." he said.
He also added that if the Belgorod region is not completely recaptured in 2 weeks, then the Wagner PMC will go there."

⚡️American "Free Speech" Laws Never Legalised Shouting "Fire!" In Crowded Theatres.
Hateful speech amounting to persecution (a Crime Against Humanity), as well as directly and publicly inciting genocide is outlawed EVERYWHERE.
Those trying to reverse these advances in law introduced and accepted universally as law by every United Nations recognised state package what are laws as mere "cultural norms." The Cultural War troll leads inexorably to war and genocide.
US free speech never allowed people to shout fire in a crowded theatre. Though an oligarchic elite attempting to reverse the post-WWII gains in equality and universality of human rights protected by law have attempted to monopolise the definition of American free speech. It's a troll, that leads to war.
⚡️Brexit Voters Know Brexit Is Rubbish, Why Won't They Give Up On It?
Research found that most brexit voters were high on Altemeyer's Writ Wing Authoritarian Followers psychological scale. This is partly why "Take Back Control" worked so well for them.
High RWAs feel the world is turning upside down and going to chaos - So all ne'er do wells have to do to trick them and hack their rational thought processes is scapegoat transgressors of values their chosen leaders ordain are proper.
So claims, like, "lefties" trans, human rights, lawyers, or immigrants from the Outer Realm are coming to steal their houses, sons and daughters, and jobs give them an easy scapegoat for why their own lives and England seems so rubbish.
Then their chosen leaders add-on a totally non-sequitur "solution" like Brexit, and the High RWA is so aroused by passion against the scapegoat they're incapable of rationally assessing whether or not the proffered solution has any connection to the so-called problem.
They're told Brexit is a panacea by the very people whose privatisation policies, corruption, and amateur approach to governance have ruined England. And the High RWAs fall for the troll.
Unfortunately High RWAs rarely admit they're wrong. They're highly conventional, and just want to fit in into their chosen In-Group (defined against Remainers, an entirely fictional identity created by the pro-Brexit media within hours of the referendum result).
So only when the ridiculous people they've selected as their leaders - Gove, Mogg, Johnson - admit Brexit was a mistake, will those who voted for Brexit admit it was a mistake.
While Mogg, Johnson, Gove are high on the Social Dominance Psych scale (they hate equality of all kinds), they're also High RWAs.
So only when their paleo-male gods Trump or Putin admits Brexit was a mistake, will they follow suit.
Anyone gotta line to the Kremlin?

⚡️As soon as Putin's body doubles decide which of them is going to the Hague, then the war will end.
As you can imagine, it's a spirited debate.
There's ten of them, and each of them is meticulously in character the whole time.
As we know, Putin delays every decision to the last minute.
This is why they can't decide which of them goes to the Hague.
There is a proposal to ask the ICC if they can have ten adjoining cells.
The ultimate circular firing squad solution to their quandary.
⚡️Time for @UN to retire its victim counting. UN system assumes the genocide perpetrator - Ruschia - will allow the scale of its genocide to be known. To Russia it's victims aren't even a statistic. They don't exist.
Since 2014 in Ukraine, Ruschia has actively prevented any agency from triangulating data about the Ukrainians Ruschia has murdered and disappeared. This means that UN's vastly under inflated numbers mislead about the true scale of Ruschia's crimes.
UN triangulation victim counting system is designed for a situation in which it will catch most deaths and everyone is acting in good faith. Russia (and I have first-hand experience of this as a diplomat visiting morgues in Ukraine to confirm victims of Ruschist violence) perverts the system.
We know 100,000 Mariupol residents were murdered by Ruschia and 10,000+ in Severodonetsk.
All Ruschia has to do to prevent these people's murder be counted in @UN numbers is to incinerate their bodies, prevent access, destroy the buildings, etc.
Then we're left with a tiny subset of confirmed numbers that completely misrepresent the scale of Ruschia's war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes, human rights violations and genocide.
Even worse, Ruschia claims in its internal Disinfolklore that the 14,000 Ukrainians whose deaths are triangulated confirmed by @UN were killed by Ukraine. This is then used as a Casus Belli and to Both Sides a war of aggression.
⚡️Ukraine is destroying Russia, over the medium to longue duree. It's less visible. It's slower. But it's certain.
And Ukraine, in the form of Crimea has Russia trapped: I call it Crimea Kompromat.
In a few years, as in Germany and France after WWII, all that will be left of this war in Ukraine will be, yes, a few land mines, shrapnel and trauma.
With every expended Ruschist bullet in Ukraine becomes stronger, gets more weaponry and moves closer to the European Future Ukrainians have worked so hard for since Nov 21st 2013 (and before).
Russia by contrast moves closer to North Korea. Over the longue duree Russia is done. It's too dumb to see this today. And that's Ukraine's good luck.
⚡️How "Separatism" in Ukraine Concealed Genocide.
How did Ruschia hide a genocide in plain sight and confuse highly educated and well-meaning policy makers, diplomats, and ordinary people?
This is the main question deals with. You won’t be surprised by the one word answer to this question: Disinfolklore. Disinfolklore is how you conceal a wolf in a sheep’s clothing. Disinfolklore is how you pull the wool over people's eyes.
Linguistic memes like "Separatism" are a key element in Ruschists' arsenal of Disinfolklore that has concealed genocide in Ukraine for eight years.
What do we call Ukrainians who, for whatever reason, end up supporting the occupation?
Collaborators works quite well for those Ukrainians who, for whatever reason, end up trying to advance Ruschia's "interests" in Ukraine. This covers Ukrainians brain-washed or coerced into fighting inside the Ruschist Army.
When we use terms like "DPR militia" instead of "Ruschist Army" we're falling for a Ruschist troll.
"Pro-Russia" and "Separatist," I now understand, are terms forged by Ruschist Disinfolklorists to entrap us inside their attempt to distract and confuse.
Ruschia's been an occupying force in Ukraine since March 2014, within the meaning of the 1949 Geneva Convention.
"Separatism" in Ukraine was invented in Ruschia, inside the Internet Research Agency, and transmitted into minds across the world to deter support for Ukraine's exercise of its inherent right to self defence.
This is why I've come to understand the Wanger Chef as the "Chef Saucerer." To mainstream audiences the Chef Saucerer is only known through grainy footage from (supposedly) Bakhmut.
These same observers may not realise his "Sauce" (according to a thorough report by the House Intelligence Committee) interfered in 2016 presidential election.
But Wanger's greatest feat was Ukraine: brainwashing Ukrainians in occupied Ukraine into becoming Other, and feeling they had no choice other than to take up arms against their fellow Ukrainians as part of Ruschia's occupying forces.
As a diplomat working in eastern Ukraine (including occupied Ukraine from 2015-2018), I had a front-row seat from which to witness this process. Thus
It's an extremely clever troll with many layers (e.g. Ruschist occupiers including Putin modelled disgust at being called "Separatists" (in their Disinfolklore Ukraine's rightful government are the "separatists")). In their Disinfolklore Ukraine's rightful government is the "Separatist". Nonsense, of course.
Yet, they also promote and relish the designation. This is clear even in the transcript of Putin's call with Macron on 20 Feb 2022 (…).
I call this "Burrito" trolling. It's a classic Ruschist disinfo move. Ruschia creates the reality "separatism." Then, it wraps up anti-reality (separatists' opposition to being called separatists) like cheese inside the burrito.
Even @EmmanuelMacron and his ingenue advisers fall for it. Macron used the term "Separatist" to needle Putin in their 20th Feb 2022 call.
Putin repeatedly uses the term "separatist" (he's programming Macron). But then when Macron uses the term to needle Putin, Putin responds thus: "Putin (still very annoyed): "Listen to me carefully. Do you hear me? I'll say it again. The separatists, as you call them,"
Putin pretends to be needled, but really is aroused that Ruschist nomenclature is being adopted by Macron. Putin's aim of propagating Ruschist Disinfolklore perspective on its unlawful occupation succeeds: The French president is referring to Ruschist occupiers as "Separatists."
Ruschia's "Separatism" troll in Ukraine did not work as Ruschia's strategy in Bosnia in the early 1990s worked. Ukrainians did not turn against their neighbours on a mass scale as Bosnians did.
Of billions of such moments as we can witness in that transcript of Macron's call with Putin, Ruschia managed to conceal its genocide in plain sight.
⚡️IAEA has promoted the troll that Ukraine is responsible for Ruschia's constant shelling of and from Europe's largest nuclear power plant.
IAEA trades access to the plant while attacking Ukraine.
I have catalogued a massive amount of data and published it (search: @Decodingtrolls "Enerhodar") that demonstrates Ruschia has been regularly shelling itself and particularly Nikopol from the nuclear power plant in occupies.
Here's the testimony of a local:
@iaeaorg has colluded with Rosatom and the Ruschist Federation's genocide in Ukraine, all the while self-congratulating itself for "bravery."
IAEA and @rafaelmgrossi has NOT commented on the sexual violence against nuclear workers. The list goes on, of IAEA's failures, and I say that as OSCE's ex-Environmental Security adviser for Zaporozhzhia (2018-2022).
IAEA falling for the Ruschist troll that somehow Ukraine is responsible for attacking its own nuclear power plant is literally the worst of its failures. After eight years of war in Ukraine, anyone who falls for Ruschist provocation logic troll is either cynical beyond redemption or a naif.
⚡️I warned @NATO about letting Ruschia capture Ukraine's nuclear power plants - on 27th February 2022.
As @OSCE's environmental security adviser for Zaporozhzhia (2018-2022), would have been good if NATO Black Sea states had listened.
Instead, their bet was that Russia would capture ALL of Ukraine ("You've only got a few hours," and all that).
Experts on governance in Ukraine told these victims of expertly targetted Ruschist Disinfolklore: "Ukraine will fight. Help Ukraine. Don't let Ruschia hold Europe to hostage."
I reminded @NATO on 27th February 2022 that Muscovy exploded the Zaporozhzhia dam in 1941 killing 100,000 Ukrainians.
60m tonnes of radioactive waste sits 500m from the Dniepr north of Dnipro - why won't NATO states understand - war in Ukraine is an existential threat to all of Europe and to ALL Black Sea states.
⚡️Ruschia's bet is that Teacher (USA) will tell Ukraine to pipe down, and submit to genocide.
Ruschia is the coward who expects Mummy (USA) to rescue it from all its funks.
Yet, Oedipus Ruschia keeps hurting mummy and complaining about mummy.
And anyway, USA doesn't control Ukraine. Ukraine will fight whether or not the US supports it. Ruschia's the least insightful, worst strategist, and dumbest genocidal bully the world has ever seen.
⚡️Russian Money, Anti-Ukrainian Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists, And Kompromat.
Most of Putin's personal wealth that's estimated north of €100b has found its way to Silicon Valley - its integrated into many of Venture Capital funds that finance, say, the medium I'm writing this text on.
Venture Capitalists who advocate against the post-WWII Rules Based Order (anti-woke, anti-democratic, authoritarian, anti-Ukraine) are compromised.
VC: Okay, Ukraine. I’ve heard Putin’s pitch. I give you 30 seconds. Lemme just say. I was in the room when the Airbnb guys pitched. This guy Putin, he reminds me of them. Pitch, Ukraine.
Ukraine's Pitch: We’ll destroy Ruschist army and expel it from ALL of our land. We don’t care what you think.
VC: Yeah, I don't care what Ukraine thinks. You're only a country. I'm running funds with billions of Russian petrodollars. So I don't care about any of that. These sanctions are killing my clients and my liquidity. If US Treasury introduces secondary sanctions, I'm gonna have to unwind all my funds or risk being sanctioned. Tens of billions of dollars in my funds is beneficially owned personally by Putin. That's why I advocate for Peace. I couldn't care less about genocide in Ukraine.
⚡️Interesting testimony. The Odesa fire is a perennial troll repeated even by Putin when he spoke to Macron on 20th Feb 2022.
Anyone who mentions it is highly likely to be a victim of Ruschist Disinfolklore.
100,000s of Ukrainians have been killed by Ruschists since the Odesa fire, only Ruschists even think about it.
⚡️Old Europe must welcome its now diminished position.
8 years later of Old Europe's 'Trust Us!' Minsk Betrayal has, since Feb 24th, changed everything utterly.
A new, better geopolitical balance between the European Union's states, and between all & 🇺🇦 is a welcome innovation.
⚡️Crimea Must Be Shown Not To Benefit Ruschist Nazi Criminals.
The ONLY was to punish Putin personally is to confiscate 100% of ALL Russian oligarch assets held outside Ruschia.
Putin is said personallly to own 50% of ALL Ruschist oligarchs' assets.
Deripaska (who funded pro-Russia politics in Ukraine for ten years) said: Everything I own belongs to Russia.
It's not enough to freeze and confiscate ALL Russian state assets as legally defined. All oligarch assets must be considered as beneficially owned by the Ruschist Nazi state. And 50% of those top 110 Ruschist oligarchs' assets owned by the Chief Ruschist Nazi Putin himself.
Ukraine needs to be rebuilt and every single Ukrainian compensated for the amount of emotional and financial stress.
⚡️4.4% interest on THE securest form of UK debt - government bonds - is an ominous sign.
That's a function of political risk (investors in UK government debt prefer good governance to pantomimes), and the cost of Brexit (£1t spent so far, and no hope outside the single market).
⚡️Ukraine NEVER shelled civilians in eastern Ukraine. Not once. Ever. I was there. Many times I was in places at the moment mythical attacks promoted in Russian Disinfolklore were supposed to have happened.
I spent three years as a diplomat in Russia-occupied Luhansk. I recorded breaches of Minsk ceasefire duties by Russia almost every day. Some days I recorded thousands of ceasefire breaches.
Now, Ruschia's Chef Saucerer reveals Ruschia's entire casus belli in Ukraine is a troll.
Wanger Chef's Disinfolklore apparatus convinced Ruschists and Ukrainians in Russia-occupied Ukraine that Ukraine was shelling them.
Now, having helped Wanger murder at least 100,000 Ukrainians on the strength of this Disinfolklore-embedded troll, the Chef Saucerer's now telling the truth.
The problem is Russians and Ukrainians living in Russia-occupied Ukraine since 2014 have been brain-washed.
Every news bulletin in Russia and Russia-occupied Ukraine since 2014 has reported mythical shelling of civilians in Ukraine.
And the Chef's Disinfolklore factories promoted this troll relentlessly too.
Obviously this truth-telling from the Chef of Disinfolklore will fall on dumb and deaf ears inside Ruschia.
The Chef's audience now though is global. He's seeking to replace the Chief Sorcerer Putin. By telling these "truths" the genocide participant Chef of Disinfolklore is hoping to position himself as a better alternative to the Chief Sorcerer Putin.
⚡️Ever participated in genocide, then realised reason justifying genocide was false?
Well, you're not alone!
One Ruschist Nazi whose Wanger army killed 100,000+ Ukrainians and vaporised whole cities on the strength of a lie was also trolled.
The Chef of Disinfolklore runs the world's biggest Genocide as a Service firm so, frankly, it doesn't matter to him whether a genocide is justified or not. You pay your money, he delivers the genocide.
How can you avoid falling for such trolls?
Well, read, don't run GaaS firms, and never participate in genocide, even if it seems like fun at the time.
Irony: For eight years Ukraine denied Russian Disinfolklore that Ukraine was shelling civilians.
No-one believed Ukraine, or diplomats like me who were often present in the places when such mythical shellings had, according to Russian Disinfolklore, supposedly taken place.
Now, the moment Ruschia's Chef Disinfolklorist reveals a truth we've spent eight years trying to get decision makers to believe, everyone suddenly believes it🤯
Russian Disinfolklore is expertly targeted to deter allies from giving Ukraine what it needs to resist effectively genocide.
⚡️Xi is a dictator. I'm sure Xi is proud of being a dictator.
When the Chinese Communist Party talks about a multilateral world what they mean is:
Paleo-Male misogynistic authoritarian regimes led by male dictators like Putin or Xi AND democracies led by democratically elected leaders in free societies living side by side in peace🕊️
⚡️Antisemitic Ruschist dictator Putin says there's Nazis in Ukraine (yet the only Nazis in Ukraine are Ruschist Nazis).
Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, the Chief Rabbi of Dnipro city, told me many times how proud he and his community is of President Zelenskyy.
Here's me meeting Rabbi Shmuel in 2018.