Pensées (42)
Origins of Hell; Media making the weather; Ruschist and Tankie "Logic"; 2015 Refugee Crisis as Ruschist Hybrid Warfare.
⚡️Our "Media" is not (merely) mediating.
Our "Media" is not an impartial observer setting out alternative versions of reality - mediating between Israelis and non-Israelis. Between Ruschists, and Ukrainians.
That’s not what I’m doing here, even. It, like me, is creating reality, through these words. We’re not merely reporting reality. We’re forging it.
Our "Media" is determining reality. The media feigns a standpoint from outside whichever system of human participants it happens to be reporting about in any media piece. Yet, it is part of the story it presents itself as merely reporting.
Our "Media" is creating reality, under the guise of merely mediating or platforming reality.
We must begin to get this - Only then can we properly locate the "Media" and our daily news consumption as an ideological education.
Editorial / journalistic choices tell us what is important.
It's Stella in the Morning Show @AppleTV projecting her consciousness into our minds.
The media's content exists ONLY in the media.
Enveloping us.
And, of were to gain more control of how we’re affected by our info-space, we must get better at enveloping it - consciously participating in it. Otherwise we shall drown in seas of nonsense, and Trump-Brexitism.
⚡️Ruschist 'Logic'
Ruschia: "Anyone who assists Ukraine is a party to our genocidal war against Ukraine. Iran, whose drones murder Europeans every day in central Europe, is NOT a party to Ruschia's genocidal war against ALL Europeans."
Iran: "As long as we're murdering Europeans, we're happy."
Those protesting against Israel in Europe:
"We really don't care that Iranian drones are murdering our fellow Europeans every day in the centre of Europe. We can't see into the future. We can't see that those Iranian munitions were passively accepting murder Europeans every night in central Europe will, soon, target us."
⚡️Iranian drones continue to murder Europeans in the centre of Europe.
Anti-Islam white supremacists who, five minutes ago, promoted wars against Islam in Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran:
"Let It Be! China much more important."
Wake up MAGA/Trumpistas, you've been trolled by Ruschist Disinfolklore, laundered through Trump-Brexitism, into cognitive dissonance. It's not (only) my values you're betraying by sacrificing Ukraine to Iranian terrorism in Europe.
⚡️Same people who thought culling 250,000 - 500,000 English to get Herd Immunity to Covid now won't take any precautions against Covid.
Even had Covid turned out to be different from EVERY virus in the history of the world and not evolved to become more immune evasive, killing 250,000 - 500,000 humans to gain that Herd Immunity was NOT Right.
That those STILL in England's government made that bet with your children, relatives friends and granny AND (as many including me publicly predicted in March 2020) there was NO Herd Immunity at the End of their Rainbow is, well, the piece de la resistance.
Speaking of resistance, a Revolution of Dignity in England is required to understand how since 2011 the English Tories have been rinsing England's Muni from England's once proud community.
⚡️"Inner Circle" is euphemism for (antisemitic) conspiracy.
Apartheid nostalgic Silicon Valley venture capitalists who promote troll about President Zelenskyy’s Inner Circle turning against him by sourcing Ruschist Disinfolklore memes want Ukraine to lose so sanctions are lifted, and there's no threat to their Russian state money infested funds from secondary sanctions strike again.
⚡️Muscovy created 2015 refugee crisis in the European Union. Between 2012 and early 2015 I worked as a diplomat in Kosovo. Most weekends I would travel south through North Macedonia into Greek Macedonia, passing through two international borders as I found my way to the sea near Thessaloniki. I never saw any migrants (though presumably there were always a few). Suddenly, after I took up my new posting in eastern Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of migrants started plying that same route. What changed? In the Autumn of 2015 Ruschia started carpet-bombing Syrian cities - hospitals, apartment buildings, schools, universities. Millions of Syrians fled m.
Ruschia’s strategy, as I thought at the time, was to create leverage in geopolitical game-playing.
Crimean sanctions properly imposed after Ruschia downed MH17 in the summer of 2014 had surprised master strategists in Moscow. Ruschia then doubled-down on its military occupations of 10,000 km.sq of eastern Ukraine.
By the early Autumn of 2014, Ruschia signed Minsk I because it hadn’t prepared properly for a full-scale war. It needed time to garner the money and create the Disinfolklore that it would need to get international recognition of its occupation of Crimea. So it made peace, while occupying 10,000 of eastern Ukraine. The initial idea may well have been to use the eastern Ukrainian areas it occupied (and where I worked 2015-2018 as bargaining chips: we’ll give them back to Ukraine in exchange for international recognition of our occupation of Crimea.
Escalating in Syria from September 2015 was a way, I thought then, of gaining leverage in negotiations with the G7 which had expelled Russia straight after the occupation of Crimea (though why Ruschia, with an economy now that today doesn’t even qualify it in terms of GDP for G20 membership (Ruschia’s GDP today is smaller than Chile’s according to Jeff Sonenfeld at Yale School of Management) was even allowed in the G8 is a testament to Russia’s brilliance at manipulating minds of global leaders.
The refugee crisis of the Autumn of 2015 led to Germany accepting 1m immigrants, Brexit, pro-Russia governments in Hungary and Slovakia, anti-Ruschian yet populist government in Poland and millions of wrecked lives.
After English tankies (westerners who were sympathetic to Soviet suppression of Czech and Hungarian attempts to liberate themselves from Ruschian occupation) voted in Parliament against a Syrian No Fly zone, Muscovy escalated in Syria. Stoking 2015 refugee crisis was a "punishment" for Merkel to divide the 🇪🇺. Brexit resulted. Tankies blamed 🇪🇺 for refugee crisis their own strategic illiteracy & useful idiocy caused.
Now these same victims of constant Ruschist trolling (tabkies whose sympathies lie with Ruschia rather than democratic governments) oppose helping Ukraine resist genocide.
They promote Ruschist trolls about Ukraine’s genuinely organic Revolution of Dignity (November 2013 - February 2014) being a coup. They don’t care about Ruschia’s murder of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians between 24th February 2022 (including more than 100,000 native Russian language speaking Ukrainian civilians in Mariupol and 10,000+ civilians in my old home town of Severodonetsk - people who wanted nothing to do with politics. Who just wanted peaceful lives) and hundreds of thousands of Syrians since 2013.
Now as we learn about Ruschia’s complicity in provoking refugee flows across the Mexico - US border. Now we understand it bombed civilian targets in Ukraine (including killing 100,000 Mariupol residents in the space of six weeks) mainly in order to create refugee flows into the EU that would divide the EU and destroy solidarity with Ukraine. Repeating its 2015 trick didn’t work, or hasn’t worked yet. But when I look back at the Autumn of 2015 in eastern Ukraine and at the borders of North Macedonia, Serbia and Greece, I now understand the diabolical extent and s one of Ruschia’s ambition.
⚡️Sunak & Johnson agreed to Let Covid Rip at this meeting on Sept 20th, 2020. Just as Alpha was getting going (Alpha would preventably kill 100,000 Britons & millions around the world as Alpha & then as its descendent Delta). Sunak spent £1t on botched Covid & Brexit costs 👇🏽
If I was designing and implementing a policy of Herd Immunity, while concealing it, then how things have been run since February 2020 until today, in the UK, is how it would actually look.
The apparent chaos is a function of a lightly concealed HerdImmunity thru infection policy...
⚡️Hell which comes from *Hel in Norse mythology/religion is an Indo-European manifestation of the pre-Indo-European (Nostratic) sound for "bright, light" *Hal.
*Hal provides the "L" sound in Light, luna, Allah, lux, and heaps of other words associated with light, bright in semitic, Indo-European and Afro-Asiatic languages.