Pensées (47)
Surrendering to fears through sacrifice; NATO attacks Ukraine; Scatological to the Eschatological; Effect of appeasing Ruschism; Blockades; Why USSR collapsed; How many can’t get Corona is now deadly?
⚡️Those who promote Ukraine’s surrender to genocide are themselves afraid of Ruschists.
Ukraine can show them how to overcome this fear which leads them to promote Ruschism, and annihilate their own souls.
Every day Ukraine successfully attacks Russian soil, and helpless Russia does and can do nothing in response - except continue to send 1,000+ of its soldiers to be slaughtered.
US, France, England, Germany… All were so frightened of Russia they sacrificed central and Eastern Europe to it for decades.
Now Ukraine demonstrates how it can annihilate Russia’s Black Sea naval headquarters, and Russia’s too frail to respond.
When will the cowards living in fear of Russia and who promote the idea Ukraine should surrender to genocide find the inner strength to defend the post WWII legal order?!
⚡️NATO is now attacking Ukraine. These Russian organised trucker demonstrations in three NATO states are attacks on NATO, by NATO states, and against Ukraine.
Ukraine will win whether or not we help it - Russia cannot even keep land in Ukraine it has held since 2014. Now Ukraine is occupying parts of Horlivka.
Individual NATO states need to close Ukraine’s sky.
⚡️California fecal testing start-up scandal funding debacle.
Have they thought of looking for Series ‘B’ funding from the Ruschist president - a man who never leaves home without a suitcase with a chemical loo installed?
⚡️Ruschia’s Useful Idiot truck protests, like MAGA fights in the Congress, achieve one goal:
They persuade Ruschist leadership, stumbling from one mad cap plan to another, to continue self-demilitarising.
Ruschia’s self-declared president (who’s so cowardly he won’t even face an electorate without fixing the result) now pins all his hopes for victory in Ukraine on a new US president.
And yet, the data demonstrates Ukraine will not end this war until the Ruschists leave 100% of Ukraine.
Ruschia with 1/6 of the world’s surface to protect from its bellicose frienenemies like China is being played like a fiddle.
The longer it persists in its hopeless endeavours in Ukraine the sooner its military will be destroyed.
For a month now the Ruschist ‘army’ has been expending 1,000+ Ruschist souls a day (RIP), and it can’t even occupy ruined villages.
Time it woke up to smell the bread, Ruschia: you’re being trolled into self-demilitarising by yer own
An operation which aimed to seize Kyiv by lunchtime has ended up transforming the economy of 1/6 of the world’s surface into the biggest failure of a war machine in the history of (in)humanity.
Ukraine is Reflexively Controlling Ruschia into its own self-annihilation. And at the end of this Ruschia with zero defences will be unable to stop China feasting on its carcass.
Remember that myth of Ruschia’s capability of absorbing endless sacrifices in humans in materiel?
Well even inside Ruschist ‘logic’ this myth must also apply to Ukraine.
Ruschia can’t pretend Ukraine and Russia are one people yet tell itself that ONLY Ruschia is capable of sustaining a war machine until victory, whatever the cost.
Ruschia fought WWII with US loaned materiel without which it would have lost against its Nazi allies. Ruschia fought WWII with Ukrainian humans, land and materiel. Muscovy itself would have been overrun by its Naxi allies in five minutes without Ukraine and Ukrainians.
The data shows - Kyiv, Kherson, Kuo’yansk, Kharkhiv,… - that when pitted against the mysterious Ukrainian soul, the Ruschia is the child Putin who ran away from a cornered rat.
⚡️Blockade also demonstrate why we need Ukraine in EU and NATO, already.
Trade blockades are acts of war the EU is designed to prevent among members.
With Ukraine inside EU we will be strengthened. Our food security will be strengthened. Our military capacity will be strengthened. And our common enemy will be left to maintain its genocidal hold on 1/6s of the earths surface with neither an army nor materiel to keep China from the gates of Moscow.
⚡️Why Soviet Union collapsed.
Today Ruschist propagandists worry about China seizing control of what every Chinese child learns is “their” land that the European Muscovite horde stole.
Casually these Ruschist speak of putting a million-and-half Ruschist soldiers on China border ‘like we did in the 1970s.’
Ex-Ukraine president Kravchuk speaking in 2020:
“With all due respect, I’m not just saying that. I lived during the Khrushchev period. When he foolishly decided to compete with America. How did it end? USSR ceased to exist...
"As the president of independent Ukraine, I have met with Boris Yeltsin more than once. In one of the conversations he told me: ‘Leonid Makarovich, I want to show you a draft of one document.’
This project ... as I remember now - was called ‘Fundamentals of Russian Foreign Policy.’’
And there, in one of the starting points, it was listed:
‘Ukraine was, is and will be in the system of Russia's strategic interests...’
"The document was submitted to a vote in the State Duma and adopted as the basis of Russian policy.
“This means that Russia does not see Ukraine in any other role than as its own province. The alternative is the destruction of Ukraine as a state...
"The situation inside Russia [in 2020] is very difficult. The roof can go to anyone, even Putin...
“There is such an expression: the beast, cornered, is the most dangerous. I think Putin was cornered...
"Let's take just one figure: no matter how the Russian Federation brags about its capabilities, China's GDP today is $ 15 trillion, and Russia's GDP is $ 1.5 trillion. 10 times less than in China and 12 times less than in the United States... In 1990 USSR’s GDP including Ukraine, Kazakhstan,… and China’s GDP was similar.
"I will tell you my opinion. Yes, Russia can foolishly, as they say, go on the offensive. Can. But this will be the last trip for her, after which she will fall to pieces..."
When you transform economy controlling 1/6 of earth’s surface to a war economy, and you still can’t capture ruined villages in the boondalks of eastern Ukraine, while China hovers over your eastern colonies like a vulture, the prognosis is not good.
⚡️Some are surprised that the Herd Immunity approach to tackling an evolving lethal virus didn't work🤦🏽♀️.
Worth saying many of us pointed out how bonkers this policy was the moment we discovered this was the plan (
England and America opted to go for Herd Immunity to an evolving virus: the whole point is there is no immunity to an evolving virus ( 🤦🏽♀️
When the policy was revealed in mid-March 2020, England's government, despite the evidence available then and oodles since, denied that going for herd immunity was the policy (
The idea to kill granny so you could gain immunity to an evolving virus was inhumane, breaches human rights, was scientifically illiterate, was done in secret, implemented incompetently and implemented through lies.
Even if a miracle had happened and the 200,000 unnecessary deaths had bought permanent immunity to an evolving virus, then, the decision should have been made with informed consent.
Meanwhile, the very people who participated in this bonkers herd immunity decision were both anti-mask (the corrupt head of the committee which jettisons England's unelected prime ministers called masks a "tool of social control" rather than a simple, cheap and effective means of stopping transmission of an airborne virus in the midst of a once in a millennium pandemic) AND running a VIP procurement lane for PPE. National Audit office found £10b in PPE contracts were given to Tory Party connected individuals ( Most of what was bought was never used and costs millions still each day to store (
As predicted the virus evolved into the Kent Variant, which devastated Europe and America, and then evolved into Delta, which devastated the world.
By the time the Kent Variant's genetic ancestor Delta finished with us (for now) 200,000 Britons had been unnecessarily killed - all they needed to prevent transmission was HEPA filtrated air and FFP3 masks.
Millions of English school children lost their naive immunity cells to Delta. Not having these generic cells to deal with future viruses over their whole lives is a terrible price to pay. Again unnecessarily. Corrupt ministers like the tax defaulter Zahawi ( and the guy who leaked and lied about leaking Huwhai secrets were allowed to force children to breath poisonous air. HEPA filters could have stopped those millions of unnecessary infections (
On average these 200,000 dead people lost ten years of life expectancy. That's right: In March 2030 they were scheduled to die (
The Herd Immunity troll was partly predicated on the false belief about the Spanish Flu. Yet, the first genomes of the Spanish Flu weren't sequenced until April 2021 (
So now as XBB is about to come in strong, it's worth remembering those eight weeks January - March 13th when decisions were taken in secret to go for herd immunity.
In 2003 there were two coronaviruses that infected humans. None of them were deadly. Since 2003 three lethal coronaviruses have evolved. The direction of travel is clear, for anyone who takes an historical perspective over the medium to longue duree.
Covid has so far killed around thirty million souls.
Today, fewer people die from Covid. But those who do die lose decades in expected life years.
So although the situation seems better now, the number of years lost today is much higher than even in the worst of the first Covid waves (
Omicron's march continues as many warned in late November 2021, while others claimed Omicron would end the pandemic.
Most of those who birthed, promoted, and had the power to stop Covid have profited, retired or been feted with baubles and knighthoods.
⚡️Why MANY can't get that Coronavirus family is now lethal? Until 2003, there were NO lethal corona🦠 for humans.
If you learned science before 2003, & you have a certain personality inventory (High RWA), might be difficult to reconcile Coronaviruses Lethality with mental model.
7 Coronaviruses infect humans👇🏽. 4 Common Cold/Flu coronaviruses👇🏽 - Receptor? Sialic Acid. In 1992, ONLY 2 Corona🦠 infected humans👇🏽. NL63 & HKU1 discovered 2004 & 2005. THREE LETHAL corona🦠 👇🏽SARS & COVID use ACE2 - see ACE2 on body👇🏽. MERS, uses DPP4 receptor.
This Nature article seemed pretty comprehensive too: "7 coronaviruses that infect humans have been identified: HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-HKU1, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2..."
Overview of lethal human coronaviruses: