Pensées (60)
England’s unelected government’s Outer Realm migrant obsession tempts it into destroying the last vestiges of its Good Relations with Ireland.
⚡️English government is now provoking massive asylum seeker flows into Ireland.
Idea behind this scheme is to stir up animus and division.
And out of the chaos the most unpopular English government in history which has appointed five unelected prime ministers since Brexit, will exploit the chaos and somehow be re-elected, if not alone then in a coalition in the national interest.
England’s unelected prime minister (who secretly held a U.S. Green Card while an elected member of England’s government promoting Brexit and anti-migrant trolls) says these migrants flowing over the Irish border are scared of being sent to Rwanda.
But Rwanda only ever had capacity for 300 migrants out of 100,000 migrants who crossed the English Channel in small boats last year.
In fact, in ways we will soon discover, English officials are promoting these migrants trips across the border on the island of Ireland.
Soon we may well face the same situation in Ireland as North Macedonia faced in the Autumn of 2015 when Russia’s purposeful carpet bombing of Syria caused 1m refugees to arrive at a border I used to cross almost weekly without a problem.
That England’s government is choosing to instrumentalise migration in this way and sacrifice its relationship with Ireland merely to stay in power is disappointing and predictable.
So much corruption has afflicted England’s ruling party since 2016 particularly they will do anything to prevent another government entering office. Anything.
England’s Jan 6th sadly involves the Irish border, stirring their agents provocateurs in Northern Ireland’s so-called loyalist community. Roug days ahead.
Scions of and actual recent immigrants (deSantis, Braverman, Cruz, Boris Johnson, Trump, Michael Gove, Sunak,…) define a fake patriotism, and promote fear of immigration.
They're right to - in so far as we should be afraid of scions of recent immigrants (and actual recent immigrants like Johnson and Gove - foreign born themselves), with shallow roots, restricting human rights, abortion rights, women's rights, and destroying health equality. They destroy our culture, under the guise of saving it. It's a troll.
They perform a conjuring trick:
1. We've got shallow familial roots in our adopted homeland;
2. Yet, we redefine what our new homeland's values are, by pretending illiberal book-banning, cancelling, restricting freedom is somehow "traditional.";
3. We win power by Othering recent or prospective immigrants;
4. We bring inter-communal fights from our ancestral homelands into our adopted homeland.
5. White supremacists support us because we're the acceptable face of white supremacy.
Here misogynistic first-generation immigrant Braverman (whom I read law with at Cambridge and who was taught to know better) takes folkloric trope of Outer Realm men coming to steal the Inner Realm's fertility. Prosperity of entire Inner Realm has been sacrificed (Brexit) to stimulate, feed and answer these folkloric fears.
Sunak swore secret allegiance to 🇺🇸 while holding a Great Office of State in England he secretly held a Green Card. His wife while he was finance minister avoided taxes on £200m+.
Johnson renounced US citizenship to avoid paying tax.
English Disinfolklore: English Hindu Sunak scapegoats English Muslims for non-existent crimes. Then, most preposterously, scapegoats "PCism" for institutionally misogynistic, racist & corrupt police's failure to solve sex crimes affecting females. Perfect troll.
Brexit Disinfolklore: England ruled, like Russia, according "Political Dramaturgy": "Stories" of Invaders (immigrants, Trans, woke,...). Good governance (Brexit troll) sacrificed to provide "credibility" to these mythologies. Fear-led ungenerous policies ruin a country & culture.
Counter Disinfolklore explains how the tripartite structure that underpins all of Indo-European culture is used by far right politicians to invoke our primal trauma:
We see immigrants from the Outer Realm affecting our Inner Realm’s (England, America, our community, our psyche,…) Sovereignty, Security, and Sustainability.
Every time you hear a far right politician in America, England, Ruschia, Hungary,… wherever banging on about Borders, they’re invoking this trauma, and trying to exploit it for political gain.
England ruined its economy to stop freedom of movement for Europeans. Then it got 100,000 dehumanised Small Boat People crossing the Manche where none had crossed before Brexit. 800,000 people migrated to the island of Britain in 2022/2023. Mostly non-Europeans. The attempt to use migration as a political strategy always results in more migration. Why?
Because Ruschia is addicted to provoking migration flows to divide its self-anointed enemies. 1m Syrians fled Ruschia’s carpet bombing of Syria in the Autumn of 2015. This gave far right populists like Brexiteers and Hungary and Slovakia’s rulers a boost as they went with the anti migrant rhetoric.
Then on Feb 24th 2022 Ruschia provoked 8m Ukrainians to flee into the EU. Rinse and repeat.
It’s supply and demand. Far right politicians demand immigrants to stir up division. And Ruschia supplies them. Don’t fall for these trolls.
⚡️Trump cannot lawfully establish a dictatorship - public participation in decision making is a human right. It is UNIVERSALLY applicable. 99.9% of people voting for a dictatorship can’t revoke a universal human right like public participation in decision making.
Trump’s dictatorship schtick appeals to the weak. They can’t ever get their way. So they long for authoritarian rule. They think they’ll win under such a regimen. In reality such weaklings who hate equality and human rights and the post-WWII peace settlement which guarantees them- like Musk- will have all their assets Mohammed Bin Salmoned from them by Trump.
Trump is running his defence against the indictments in the Jan 6th cases (Georgia and DC) through the public sphere. He wants to be able to say in court: ‘Look. I was talking about dictatorship from Nov 2020 to Jan 6th. Now I’m still talking about it. It means nothing. By the way, my supporters want a dictatorship. Ergo, I’m giving my supporters what they want. How can that be a coup.”
It’s a nuts defence for an indicted defendant. It won’t work. But it can poison the discourse. Don’t fall for such trolls.