⚡️Foreign Policy promotes Ruschist genocidal propaganda line that Russian language speaking Ukrainians are oppressed - it’s a lie to justify genocide.
I lived in eastern Ukraine for seven years 2015-2022. My actual job there as a diplomat was to monitor and establish the facts in relation to such Ruschist Disinfolklore.
⚡️@ForeignPolicy promotes Ruschist genocidal propaganda line that Russian language speaking Ukrainians are oppressed - it’s a lie to justify genocide.
I lived in eastern Ukraine for seven years 2015-2022. My actual job there as a diplomat was to monitor and establish the facts in relation to such Ruschist Disinfolklore.
Ukraine has a native Russian language speaking president who was elected democratically. Russian language speakers in Ruschia do NOT choose their own government.
Ruschia has murdered 100s of thousands of native Russian language speaking Ukrainians since February 24th 2022.
Russia has forcibly transferred 3m native Russian language speaking Ukrainians into Ruschia, where they have less rights than they ever had in Ukraine. This is a war crime for which Ruschia’s unelected dictator has been indicted by the International Criminal Court. Ruschia justifies its genocide by reference to this untrue Ruschist Disinfolklore that ForeignPolicy is promoting.
ForeignPolicy should work harder to resist being occupied by Ruschist propaganda voices.
⚡️Not just a Ruschist ship, but a Ruschist ship carrying oodles of Iranian drones which would have killed untold numbers of Ukrainians.
It’s hard to communicate how happy this event made Ukrainians. After a couple of months mainly info-space driven doom and gloom (I say the doom and gloom is driven by info-space mainly because the battle space evidence shows Ruschia continually losing +\- 1,000 souls a day to take / lost 100m sq. of land 1,000 km east of Kyiv).
⚡️Media guide - How To Avoid Being Trolled By Ruschia Into Repeating Its Disinfo:
Muscovy takes ordinary words like "separatist" and invests their use with new context-specific meanings.
It's called hyper-normalisation.
Muscovy invented "Separatism" in 🇺🇦 to conceal Ruschia's military occupation of Luhansk, Donetsk & Crimea in 2014.
When say RTENews ignorantly repeats a Ruschian troll ("parts of eastern 🇺🇦 have been controlled by separatists"), Muscovy wins.
Successfully colonised our language.
Wraps us inside its genocidal troll.
Position in international law IS Muscovy OCCUPIES these parts of the eastern & southern 🇺🇦 since 2014.
Quoting the anti-semitic Medyedev's violent threats against Ukrainians on evening news itself violates Ukrainians' right to security.
Muscovy wins when we repeat its unlawful threats.
Such rhetoric is in itself a violation of Ukrainians' right to security.
It's persecution.
Such rhetoric violates international criminal law.
Ruschia designed structure of its genocide in 🇺🇦 since 2014 to conceal itself.
⚡️Does Hate Speech matter?
Since early 2015, as a diplomat, I monitored & reported on Anti-Ukrainian rhetoric inside Ruschist-occupied 🇺🇦.
Genocide is ALWAYS preceded by a softening up process. Act of speaking in certain ways IS & NORMALISES de-humanising behaviour.
Nuremburg, Yugoslav & Rwanda tribunals found acts of speaking in certain ways violates the Right to Security, which is PERSECUTION & in itself a Crime Against Humanity.
So why is de-rigueur now among some to trumpet extremist interpretations of Free Speech?
When Ruschian state operatives call for the removal of the Ukrainian nation from the map of the world - that act of speaking like that violates the Right to Security, which Rwanda and Yugoslav International Criminal Tribunals classified as persecution & a Crime Against Humanity: see Seselj & Nahimana
Well... Freedom IS complicated. That's why Germany outlaws certain forms of speech, & why the EU's anti-hate speech legislation is tricky to navigate.
I invented Positive Trolling® as 1 solution.
Freedom Isn't Free.