Pensées (68)
Source of Donald’s Mana. Underrating Ruschia’s Disinfolklore apparatus. Our media no longer just mediates, it determines reality. Concealing genocide.
⚡️On calling for another candidate.
Donald’s power (Mana) is 100% the 20 oligarchs whose channels amplify his nonsense.
Get rid of Biden, and Donald’s artificial Mana remains.
Projecting magical power (Mana) unto Donald is 100% within your control.
When you call for another candidate, you’re falling for the troll.
You’re perpetuating the power (Mana) of Donald your conscious mind seeks to neutralise.
Trolls move like this - liberate yourself from this mental enslavement by these oligarchs and their puppets Donald and Putler!
Ruschia’s Nordic troll monarch Putler, for example, or Donald, are very successful at provoking our minds with emotions, which often carelessly we communicate into others’ minds (thereby doing those demonic trolls’ mean work for them).
Such trolls, once inside our minds, commingle their energy (Mana) with our Mana through linguistic, visual, tonal, or audible means.
They fire their energy / emotions into our minds. Before we know it, we become the petrol fuelling the troll, whether we agree or we disagree with its content.
When Negative Trolls troll us into feeling and propagating their emotions, we risk becoming the Useful Idiots of Useful Idiots.
⚡️Would quibble with this report’s characterisation of initial failure in Ruschist Disinfolklore operations in occupied Ukraine.
I worked for three years in Ruschia- occupied Luhansk 2015-2018 - I tell that story here:
From the get-go multi-channel hyper sophisticated Ruschist media operations succeeded in convincing Ukrainians in Ruschia occupied Ukraine that Ukraine was trying to kill them.
This othering Disinfolklore was and is so successful that it transformed Ukrainians in Ruschia-occupied Ukraine into the perpetrators of genocide against their fellow Ukrainians.
As an added bonus from the Ruschist perspective, Ruschist was so successful it blinded these Ukrainians in Ruschia occupied Ukraine to the fact that they were not only executioners of Ruschia’s Stealth Genocide, but victims of it.
Very early in the occupation native Russian language speaking Ukrainians, radicalised by eight years of Ruschist Disinfolklore, for example, murdered in cold blood over 400 of their fellow Ukrainians in Kreminna on one day - 11 March 2022 -including 56 pensioners in an idyllic nursing home.
Recently, former Santa Claus purveyor, Donetsk native Ukrainian Pavel Gubarev (sanctioned by the US and UK 🇬🇧 in 2014) described Donetsk as ‘bloodless’ meaning there are NO 25-55 yo men left in the city:
And I capture here the moment early in the occupation in Kherson when a patriotic Ukrainian describes how effective Ruschist Disinfolklore is.
⚡️Serbia arrests politician who apologised for Serbian war crimes.
Kosovo military commander Adem Jashari and his family were slaughtered by Serbian/Ruschist-trained paramilitaries in Kosovo.
Kosovo’s main airport commemorates the Jashari’s contribution to Kosovo’s statehood by being named for Adem - I worked as a diplomat in Kosovo for almost three years 2012 - 2015.
Two days ago a Serbian politician @Sandulovic_N laid flowers at Mr Jashari’s memorial. Serbian police have now arrested the Serbian politician.
Congratulations to Kosovo for getting visa free travel to the European Union 🇪🇺
⚡️In my experience (of often being in on the Bridge at Stanitsia Luhanska when reported shelling supposedly happened) most of the alleged shelling of Ruschia occupied Ukraine from April 2014 never occurred in actuality.
EVERY news bulletin across Ruschist Federation and in Ruschia occupied Ukraine referred to events which never happened in actuality.
These reports created a hypernormalised reality in the minds of Ukrainians in Ruschia-occupied Ukraine and in Ruschia itself that Ukraine was an enemy.
In time the routine reporting of these mythical events became real in the minds of those who were steeped in them via the Ruschist mass media. I wrote about this phenomenon in
⚡️Function of the news media:
1. Makes you feel better about your life, by showing how awful others' are.
2. Creates a common contemporary folk-lore, of which an identity-culture is forged.
3. Heals through telling stories, with a sense of justice.
4. Warns.
⚡️Our "Media" is not (merely) mediating.
Our "Media" is not some impartial observer setting out alternative versions of reality - mediating between Israelis and non-Israelis. Between Ruschists, and Ukrainians.
Our "Media" is determining reality.
Our "Media" is creating reality, under the guise of merely mediating or platforming reality.
We must begin to get this - Only then can we properly locate the "Media" and our daily news consumption as an ideological education.
It's telling us what is important.
It's Stella in the Morning Show @AppleTV projecting her consciousness into our minds.
The media's content exists ONLY in the media.
Enveloping us, and we must get better at enveloping it. Otherwise we shall drown in seas of nonsense, and Trump-Brexitism.
⚡️Stealth Genocide: Putin, Girkin, the Chef (and all of those within their chains of command and influence) as well as Ruschist Disinfolklorists' media output on TV and Telegram solved the same problem Hitler solved, but in our era of transparency:
How to promote and carry out an eight-year-long Stealth Genocide, while everyone watches, and no-one notices.
It's the crime of the millennium.
Each genocide has particular characteristics. Ruschia's genocide in Ukraine since April 2014 is particularly chilling, and perfectly designed.
I am a Cambridge University trained international lawyer who worked as a diplomat in Russia-occupied Luhansk 2015-2018.
Yet, I didn't understand the pattern of activities I was observing conformed to the genocide definition until after the full-scale invasion.
Ruschia purposefully brain-washed Ukrainians in Russia-occupied Ukraine with the goal of preparing them to kill or be killed by their fellow Ukrainians in a full-scale invasion.
So all the Disinfolklore which I monitored and reported on for seven years working in eastern Ukraine in all of its craziness had one overarching goal: Persuade Ukrainians to kill Ukrainians.
As this Ruschian occupier terrorist leader now says of occupied Donetsk: There are NO 25-55 year-old males left (today's 25 year old Ukrainian from occupied Donetsk pointlessly run through the "meat grinder" in Avdiivka or Bakhmut was the excited fourteen-year-old who watched the European football championship match played in Donetsk in 2012, before the genocide).
"It's bloodless" that Ruschist genocidor in occupied Donetsk now says meaning: "There are no 25-55 yo males left. Their blood has been squeezed out of their living bodies by Ruschism and "Russkiy Mir."
Putin and the Chef and Girkin are spoken of in our culture as if they're celebrities, reliable sources, or up until recently merely incompetent public functionaries.
14,000,000 Ukrainians forced from their homes. At least 300,000 Ukrainian children forcibly transferred to Muscovy, and 3m adults. Communities, villages, hamlets destroyed in perpetuity, affecting millions of people. Worlds which will never return. Hundreds of thousands of wild animals, vast forests, farms, nature reserves permanently destroyed. About 200,000 Ukrainians, mostly native Russian language speakers murdered by Ruschia.
AND all this as part of a focussed, planned, & ongoing eight-year-long genocide of Ukrainians.
Given that ordinary criminals would be imprisoned for decades for any of these millions of crimes, I want our culture to change its tone when speaking of the Chef or normalising/promoting Nazi "Wanger" brand, as supposedly respectable media outlets do every day now. They're falling for the troll.