Pensées (79)
Law applies online. Feds publish post-immunity case against Donald: Truth of a Prince. Hacking the West. Only thing that keeps Kosova safe? Dark Prince Disinfolklore. Magical Thinking States.
⚡️Law Applies to Incitement Online.
Far Right aim to usurp power unlawfully, which is why they bang on about so-called Free Speech.
Far Right parties underfund police and justice system so Far Right (and left) who incite violence, hatred and commission of crimes (like defrauding the USA by usurping elections) is Never Prosecuted.
Their mouthpieces confuse the public into thinking they have free speech, uncurtailed by laws. Shouting "fire!" in a crowded theatre was alway unlawful, unless there is an actual fire or you have a well-founded belief that there is one.
As is instigating commission of a crime, through speech. Ancient legal principle: Can't use Rights to destroy Other rights/need to come with "clean hands" to court (expressed here in European Convention on Human Rights, but it's universal).
Can’t purposely/intentionally incite hatred then claim Free Speech. Hateful speech amounting to persecution (a Crime Against Humanity), as well as directly and publicly inciting genocide is outlawed EVERYWHERE.
Those trying to reverse these advances in law claim what are laws are mere "cultural norms." “Cultural War” troll is all about attempting to rebrand rights as mere “culture.” When Ruschist state uses Twitter to breach Genocide Convention, and to undermine Ukrainians Right to Security (yes, you have a Human Right to Security)… This violates the law. And Twitter is aiding the commission of a crime.
ALL of Donald’s crimes involved multiple speech acts - try criming without speaking. Idea that speech is protected, even when it instigates crimes, is laughable. Finally, here in England we have a prime minister who, as former head of State prosecution service, gets that the “Law Applies Online.” Time the Police got this memo and stopped exonerating Far Right and Far Left hate speech masquerading as fair comment. That Hateful Speech is often and always potentially unlawful has underpinned all of my work @DecodingTrolls and since Day One.
⚡️Feds’ Case Against Donald
“When the defendant lost the 2020 presidential election, he resorted to crimes to try to stay in office… His efforts included lying to state officials in order to induce them to ignore true vote counts; ...At its core, the defendant's scheme was a private criminal effort. In his capacity as a candidate, the defendant used deceit to target every stage of the electoral process…”
Numerous scholars of ancient Irish, Indian, and Iranian texts have established that the sovereignty, security and fertility/prosperity of Indo-European states depends on the Truth of the Sovereign.
Myles Dillon put it like this in 1948:
“For it is the prince's falsehood that brings perverse weather upon wicked peoples and dries up the fruit of the earth.
Testament of Morand (8th c Irish text):
Here the legendary jurist Morand, who was supposed to have lived in the time of King Conchobar (first century B.C.), sends a messenger to Feradach Find Fechtnach with his Instructions for a Prince, and the tone is not far removed from that of the Upanishads:
"Let him magnify Truth, it will magnify him.
Let him strengthen Truth, it will strengthen him.
Let him preserve Truth, it will preserve him.
Let him exalt Truth, it will exalt him.
For so long as he preserves Truth, good will not be lacking to him, and his reign will not fail.
For by the Prince's Truth great kingdoms are ruled. By the Prince's Truth great mortality is warded off from men.
By the Prince's Truth the great armies are driven off into the enemies' country..."
This series is continued, eighteen propositions in all, and the seventeenth declares:
"By the Prince's Truth fair weather comes in each fitting season, winter fine and frosty, spring dry and windy, summer warm, with showers of rain, autumn with heavy dews, and fruitful. For it is the prince's falsehood that brings perverse weather upon wicked peoples and dries up the fruit of the earth."“
⚡️Ruschia’s Theory of Victory: Hack the West
Since 29 March 2022, Ruschia’s path to victory in Ukraine was persuading Ukraine’s ‘allies’ Ukraine must surrender.
Here’s the thing: this underrating of Ukraine’s will to victory, Ukraine’s agency and of Ukraine’s Mana is precisely why Ukraine will win and Russia, like Trump, will always lose.
Ruschia can’t even capture small villages 1,200 km east of Kyiv. Ruschia has killed thousands of its own soldiers trying to dislodge 90 Ukrainian soldiers on the left bank near Krinky. Now, using its learnings from holding back 10,000 Russian troops at Kinky who tried and failed to dislodge 90-100 Ukrainian soldiers over 8 months at Kinky, Ukraine has invaded Ruschia. Today, despite, a possibly successful counter attack by Ruschia against a second invasion force inside Ruschia, it does not appear as if Ruschia will dislodge Ukraine from Kursk before winter.
Soon Ukraine will be sending tens of thousands of drones each night across one/sixth of the world’s surface. Ruschia can’t even protect factories which make its air defence systems never mind thousands of km of railway network and the few state of the art oil refineries upon which its entire war machine depends.
Ruschia’s strategy for winning this war is to convince Mummy (the West) to intervene to handicap its opponent (Ukraine). Ruschia can indeed hack American democracy. But since it can’t capture tiny villages 1,200 km east of Kyiv Ruschia has no path to victory, only to self-immolation.
⚡️Only thing that keeps Kosova safe?
Five NATO bases keep Kosava safe from genocide by Serbia. Most successful NATO operation EVER.
Seems like Ukraine will never have any NATO bases. So Ukraine needs to become 100% self-sufficient militarily, at a terrible cost. Russian Disinfolklore convinced NATO not to close Ukraine’s skies and not to arm Ukraine properly.
Anyone remember how NATO's defense of Kosova began?
Muscovy's draws the WRONG message from Kosova.
Muscovy uses example of Kosova to justify its genocide in Crimea.
Yet, the lesson is: When NATO accepts 🇺🇦's request to defend intl law, Muscovy won't know what hit it.
⚡️Just ordered some 3M Aura masks - didn’t know that 3M stands for Minnesota, Mining and Manufacturing.
3 M-N- words.
Been vaguely aware for a while now that a great deal of Indo-European poetry might in essence be no more than an unknowing play on the linguistic roots of words, and their sound origins.
⚡️Definitional Disinfolklore:
Dark prince gives begging child a Mercedes.
It’s generous, sure (generosity is the first test in the Code of Positive Trolls™️).
Ethically disciplined, provided prince owns the car (second test).
Fails the ‘Patience’ test - prince is teaching child to beg and pay homage, rather than to work for salvation.
‘Joyous Perseverance’ (the fourth test in the Code of Positive Trolls™️) is not triggered, nor is the fifth (Focus).
Sixth and final test with which to proof a story for its Disinfolklore attributes is: Insight / Wisdom.
Prince and the story fails this test miserably.
Wise prince would have offered child a teaching on the wisdom of seeking salvation in material possessions.
Then paid for child’s education. Instead, he gives the child a car.
Recall (👇🏾) : Any story whose Mana (meaning/energy) that fails any or all six tests in the Code of Positive Trolls™️ is Disinfolklore.
P.S. RadCentrism’s story, however, is Counter Disinfolklore ( Passes all six tests.
⚡️England's a state, attached to a Magical Thinking political party.
Children go through a Magical Thinking stage, before they grasp how "effect" follow "cause".
Believing "Growth" would result from abandoning frictionless trade with 52%.
Here England’s government places many single market states separately into a table of its greatest export markets.
Whatever way you cut it, England introduced friction between it and 52% of both its export and import partner countries.
🇪🇺 also printed A Lot of money, but unlike England, EU didn't abandon frictionless trade with 52% of its market.
So IMF won't need to rescue 🇪🇺.
Markets trust its governance, by comparison to England.
ANY commentary which misses the £1t unfunded cost of #Brexit is myopic.
Brexit has cost the UK £1t funds under management:
£246b in extra borrowing;
£20b in Central Bank’s purchase of corporate bonds;
£360b has been printed since Brexit.
Botched going-for-herd immunity to Covid's cost is at least £370b.
Tory Party-connected individuals got £10b in Covid PPE contracts for PPE that mostly was never used (see my £1t+ Cost of Brexit: Not Project Fear, Project Already Here: for references).