⚡️Ancient Ukraine's Trito Myth and Kyiv Book Fair poster.
Brilliant poster by Agrafka Studio incorporates the serpent from the Trito Myth, the Indo-European community's most attested story. Since it is so widely attested, it's certain the Trito Myth was communicated accross the Indo-European world by the first Indo-European language speakers from Ancient Ukraine.
Trito Myth is also central to Disinfolklore.net as it governs the first example of the rite of proper sacrifice which ALL Indo-European communities must observe, if they are to be sovereign, secure, and sustainable.
Russia violates the right rules governing the rite of human sacrifices, when it violates the Geneva Conventions.
Ukraine observes its duties to Sky Father (Dyeus Pater - Jupiter and Iuppeter's ancestor deity).
This is why Ukraine will slay the Ruschist serpent, and win back its freedom.
It's also why Ruschists are doomed - when a community violates the rite of rightful sacrifice (as Ruschia does with its daily human wave attacks, it's vaporisation of whole cities, and its purposeful murder of civilians), that community - Ruschia - is inexorably doomed. Like gravity and the Law of Karman, Ruschia cannot escape its fate.
h/t Romana Romanyshyn & Andriy Lesiv of Agrafka.
⚡️What Foreign 'Experts' Miss About Ukraine.

This Wired article (https://www.wired.com/story/ukraine-war-trucks-trolls-tourniquets/) gives a true account of why Ukraine has held back the second army in the world since February 2014: Community.
Russian Nazi regime successfully branded Ukraine's ground-up volunteer battalions as far right. Yet, they're the ultimate expression of ground-up, crowd-funded, and successful community defence.
Russia didn't sign Minsk 1 in September 2014 as a Goodwill Gesture.
Nazi Russia surrendered because Ukraine's civil society had formed military batallion out of nothing from a standing start in February 2014 which were able to confine Nazi Russian soldiers to occupied Crimea and 10,000 sq.km of Luhansk and Donetsk.
Nazi Russia tried to launch revolutions in many cities like Dnipro, Zaporozhzhia, Odesa, Kryvyi Rih in 2014, but they failed.
Then in response to Nazi's Russia's military defeat in 2014 it sold the world Disinfolklore.net about how Russia's Nazi army was being held back by Nazis and Disinfolklore about "Ukrainian Separatists.
Since 2015 Ukraine has destroyed the Soviet-era top-down governance structures across the entire country.
Now, villages have powers over culture, security, education, land-use and healthcare. These local governance reforms match institutions with the decentralized nature of Ukrainian society.
I've visited hundreds of these communities and as a diplomat met their elected leaders.
These decentralised communities - now they retain 50% of their taxes for spending on their priorities - are why I always knew Ukraine would win.
"Experts" on Russia now trying to rebrand themselves as experts on Ukraine have no idea about this aspect of Ukrainian society and its institutionalisation since 2014.
"Experts" in European and American policy communities trying to make peace with Russia, on behalf of Ukraine, have zero understanding of Ukraine, how Ukraine held back Russia in 2014/2015 without ANY foreign help, or of how Ukraine is actually run as a society.
Including Russia, they see Ukraine through Disinfolklore and their authoritarian spectacles, and they don't even bother to understand why Ukraine since 2014 have held the second largest military in the world in a vice.
Sure, foreign weapons help now.
But they're not why Ukraine will win.
Ukraine will win because it's a decentralised society where people are committed to preserving Ukraine's sovereignty.
When MAGA (and its English far-right imitators) Others its chosen enemies as "Socialists" or "Left" it's banishing a wholly invented / fluid group of humans to an Outer Realm (see Disinfolklore’s Shapeshifting Between Inner / Outer Realm episode:
Such rhetorical branding and signalling is also drawing in MAGA / far-right extreme English nationalists (who brand themselves as "British" to draw true British patriots (who aren't extreme rightists) into their MAGA fold) supporters to an imagined Inner Realm..."
⚡️In a well governed and healthy democracy, the unusual division that erupted from February 2015 in England's Inner Realm would be flagged and provoke soul searching investigations by powerful legislators.
That's what occurred in America.
Instead, governing English legislators were compromised by Brexit, Russian funding for their constituency offices and for their party. So they used control over the agenda in the media to stifle and ridicule all investigations.
The cost of this enforced ignorance is at the time of writing at least £1t spent on inflation-driving and market confidence sapping attempts to cover up the Brexit disaster.
⚡️The Chef of Disinfolklore: Putin's Chef's Brexit / Trump Trolls' Toll.
The Chef's Internet Research Agency created drove and initiated division in England and in USA that delivered Brexit and Trump.
As @peterjukes argues in @BylineTimes "Brexit" was the Komromat.
England's establishment was split into two by a Russian Active Measure operation that the Chef was a key part of. The pro-Brexit side became complicit in the conspiracy against English democracy that was constructed in The Chef's St Petersburg troll factory.
The pro-Brexit side through Russian War Magic and its own complicity in the Great Brexit troll became willing to sacrifice England's constitution, cohesive society, reputation as creator and propagator of human rights and, even, its own food supply on the Altar of Brexit that The Chef's Disinfolklore created.
Similarly, Trump itself operates as the Russia-created kompromat in the USA.
Those who fell for the Trump Troll, rather than expose their own complicity in a Russian Active Measure, even today, defend the Jan 6th coup and an insurrectionist former president.
The Chef Character created in the public's consciousness by naïf commentators on Ukraine over the past six months is behind Brexit and Trump.
Even today the Chef with his grandfather glasses and expertly delivered Disinfolklore is trolling Americans into thinking China only, but not weak Russia, is the enemy.
So, although the Chef is now in the soup over his disasters in Popasna and Bakhmut, the joke is on us.
⚡️When the Chef takes Russia over, his "truth-telling" will denounce Russia's entire "adventure" in Ukraine since March 2014 as the root of all evil.
Within a few months, it will be impossible to find anyone in Russia who admits to supporting Russia's occupation in Ukraine.
This will be due to psychological reasons (once the conventional changes, authoritarian followers change their minds), and because the Chef will use whether or not a Russian denounces occupation of Crimea since March 2014 as the criterion for whether or not they appear on his Kill Lists.
⚡️I suspect the signifier "Mana" was adopted by Māoris from Indian traders. And its particular meaning in Māori culture is indigenous, but the signifier itself is Indo-European.

Mana signifies a universal aspect of being human - energy exchange. Signifier Mana grew out of ancient Ukrainian word for the Moon (meh1not) before 2,500BCE.
Signifier Mana was then adopted from Brahman Indian traders from 2,000 BCE onwards into Polynesian culture.
Polynesian ritual culture is directly connected to ancient 🇺🇦. Ancient Ukrainians infiltrated northern India & provided the language and religious ideology of Brahminism (via Iran).
Later Indian merchants & priests (e.g. Atisa who founded Tibetan Buddhism) went to Polynesia.
For 22,000 years successive human cultures have used this site for worship. Russia has now mined the site. To be clear: there's evidence of worship at this site from 22,000 years ago. I visited it in Jan 2022.
I found this tree there - decorating trees is thought to have originated in Kazakhstan. From there the practice was copied by Ancient Ukrainian Yamnaya. They spread the practice to Ireland & India. We continue it at Christmas.

That's a very ancient Indo-European tradition there: "Today people still leave woven offerings to her, such as rags, towels, and ribbons, on trees, or on bushes at her wells or streams." Seen here too: The Song of Amergin, 🇮🇪 first poet/king: http://www.vimeo.com/354404173
I knew the Ruschists were coming & that they'd target 🇺🇦's unique cultural heritage. That's why I went there then. This area's currently under a vicious Bucha-like occupation by 🇷🇺.
The Dnepr-Donets Culture occupied this area & was one of the last of Old Europe's tribes (4300-4200 BCE was peak). Ukrainian Yamnaya (3300-2500BCE), THE creators of our Indo-European language, replaced Old Europe's tribes. Old Europe's unreadable script has been found here.
For us, “universalia ante rem”, which are prior to things, have the same nature as “universalia in re”, which, for our knowledge, manifest themselves through phenomena and therefore become intelligible as concepts in the form of “universalia post rem”.
Concepts derive from ideas that manifest themselves in phenomena: this could be the formula of our empirical-ideal realism.
Likewise, we understand law as a “universalis ante rem”, that is, as an original spiritual reality that shapes the entire phenomenal world of legal life;
and as an animating force operating in every phenomenon of that same life, and thus “universalis in re”;
and finally, as the origin, essence, and content of the concepts about law that arise in our minds based on experience and the corresponding intuition: “universalis post rem”.
I like this Blaise Pascal mode.😅🫶