Pensées (9)
⚡️War Magic is an ancient term for hypnotising an enemy into defeat using rhetoric.
Threatening nuclear war is a mere threat.
A threat is War Magic 🪄, or a manifestation Disinfolklore - it's meant to deter.
Muscovy’s War Magic doctrine is called “Cross Domain Coercion.” The idea is to get inside your enemies head - say, Germany. Then you persuade Germany that the sky will fall in if Germany agrees to let Ukraine (Germany and Austria murdered millions of Ukrainians between 1941 and 1945) into NATO. Germany falls for the troll. Russian war magic achieves its aims, simply through War Magical means🪄.
To work, War Magic must be credible.
World has seen how useless Muscovy's military is.
It's lost its mythos: 💨
Wizard Putin, like Aeschylus (~500 BCE), employs through his speeches "songs that call upon the souls of the [Soviet] dead to appear to the living." Euripides's character Hippolytus is called a goēs when he attempts to control his father through his clever speech.

Wizard ZelenskyyUa also operates in magical realm of sovereignty. His powers are stronger, & 3e! hexes Putin precisely for invoking the millions of Ukrainians the Germans & Austrians murdered 1941-1945 as his casus belli.
For this reason Putin and the state he embodies is doomed.
Persian colonial Herodotus (c. 484–424 BCE) uses goēs to refer to nations with strange powers - Ukraine is such a nation. No other country on earth could unite the world against Ruschism.
⚡️Wizard-led Ukraine Hypnotises Russia Into Ruining Itself.
Both Magi ZelenskyyUa & Mini Putin operate in the magical realm of sovereignty. President 3e! is currently winning the Wizard🪄War. Muscovy thinks it's choosing to subject itself to China vassalage & totalitarianism.
⚡️So, basically, according to Ruschist opposition it's leonidvolko, if it wasn't for #NAFO, Ruschist Nazi Putin would still think he had a 46% approval rating in Ukraine?
It's only because of @Kama_Kamilia and his cartoon army that the Ruschist Nazi Putin has worked out that 230,000 dead Ruschist soldiers in Ukraine (RIP) were targeted by Ukrainian soldiers in Ukraine?
If Ruschist Nazi Putin paid Ruschist Nazi oligarch Medvedchuk €5b to do the polling that told Putin he had 46% approval rating in Ukraine, how much does Putin owe NAFO for telling him the truth?
€10b in used €5 bills delivered to NAFO embassy in Moscow.
Ruschist "oppositionists" are zen about murdering hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, but animated about shark bait?! At least they have some feelings, I guess🤷🏽♀️

⚡️Very moment I heard Putin's Ukrainian "godfather" Medvedchuk's pollster's confession about feeding false polling to the narcissistic Putin, I understood why Ruschia invaded Ukraine.
I wrote about it at the time (see tweet below from March 2022).
Putin's godfather tells Putin directly that he has a 46% approval rating in Ukraine outweighed ALL the other data the Ruschist nomenclature was getting.
I was in the room oodles of times with Russian diplomats in eastern Ukraine 2015-2022 when elected Ukrainian officials and senior security officials told Russia: we will fight you to the death.
Yet, Putin was surprised at the resistance.
I believe the reason Putin was convinced Ukraine would be a walk in the park is because of this polling. That Putin is in thrall to Medvedchuk is clear: Putin swapped 100+ Azov defenders for Medvedchuk. Putin probably is being told your approval rating in Ukraine is now around 48%.
Recently a senior Kremlin source told a German newspaper this:
"He [Medvedchuk] told fairy tales, controlled all the [€5b+] money he was paid for the organization of political resistance, and did not believe that anyone would ever check this," recalls a source close to the Russian presidential administration. "He spoke of the loyalty of the territory and stupidly misled Putin." The Kremlin did not question Medvedchuk's words..."
⚡️History of "Wanger" Nazis, according to a 2016 article in a Russian independent newspaper👇🏽
"..."Wagner" [Utkin]is known for his commitment to the aesthetics and ideology of the Third Reich, hence the call sign in honor of the mystic composer."
"Wagner was formed on the basis of the "Slavic Corps", battered in Syria in 2013 under the command of a man with the call sign "Wagner" has been operating in the Crimea since the spring of 2014, and then in the territory of the Luhansk region...Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Utkin...After his discharge, he worked at Moran Security Group... When MSG managers organized the Slavic Corps in 2013... Since 2014, he has been the commander of his own unit, which by his call sign received the conventional name "WhVK Wagner"…""Wagner" is known for his commitment to the aesthetics and ideology of the Third Reich, hence the call sign in honor of the mystic composer. In Lugansk, the personnel shocked, replacing the usual field hat with a steel helmet of the Wehrmacht...but the commander's quirks are not discussed. Allegedly killed in January 2016 near Donetsk, but in fact - alive and well...He doesn't like to be photographed, but we found him in old shots... The company, which entered Syria in Sept 2015, left it at the end of Dec...of the same year, but, as the Wagner returnees say, a third of 93 people returned alive and uninjured. The main losses began in January - February, in the battles for Palmyra...Three reconnaissance and assault companies, each with ninety to one hundred people...Three platoons with LNG and AGS are a fire support company. Air defense company with Needles. Communication company. Security company. Medical part. Plus civilian service personnel. Without civilians, there are six hundred people...Wagner's highlight is a platoon of Serbs, which began to form summer of 2014... According to eyewitnesses, Serbs came to Wagner to Savićić in 2014 & 2015 - only in the spring of 2015 four Savići acquaintances allegedly arrived, who left French Foreign Legion for Wagner..."Savichich softened his position, saying that he really fought as a volunteer in 2014 near Lugansk, but his campaign allegedly lasted only three days...Only there are not enough bayonets on the AK, otherwise World War II. As it was near Debaltseve…people were kicked out in the field with equipment, and the team - your task is to take the fortification, take a checkpoint. And go ahead, just like meat. When they started putting on us with one hundred and twenty,...with the "Cords", with RPGs in technique - people... they just tore. Straight from the RPG - only hands and legs remain. Without training in Molkino, no one will be sent into battle, but what they will have time to teach - just to shoot elementary so as not to...Who has combat experience - they still somehow live more or less, but still, not that." In Syria, Fontanka was told, "Hurrah" tactics continued... The last question that was asked is about who agrees to go into battle with a probability of "fifty by fifty""for 240 thousand rubles per month. The interlocutor assured that there are many more people who want to get to Wagner than vacancies."
⚡️Wilful Blindness to the Holocaust is illegal in Germany, and I hope that soon denial of the genocide and ecocide in Ukraine will be made unlawful everywhere. @BowenBBC claims, implausibly, "we may never know which side destroyed the dam." The evidence in there.
I'd like to see @BowenBBC and others modelling "Both Sidesism" by considering who inside Ruschia's power vertical ordered and executed the explosion of the Dam on 1st June and the second explosion.
Bothsidesing "Ukraine" and "Russia" is lazy, implicates Ukraine without ANY evidence, while exonerating Ruschia despite ALL the evidence put forward by experts on Ruschian War practices (like me).
It's devilishly close to negligent Genocide Denial.
⚡️Muscovy's response to Sweden in NATO?
Celebrates Ukraine's victory over
Sweden at Poltava, 12 years before "Russia" was self-declared.
Fact-check: Russia was created in 1721. Idea of "Russia" was created in 1680s in Kyiv Mohyla Academy in, ahem, Kyiv. In 1721 Muscovy seized right-bank Ukraine, and declared itself an "empire." In September 2022 after a very brief occupation of roght-bank Ukraine, Muscovy retreated from right-bank Ukraine again, and became a principality again.
Today, two princelings - Chief Sorcerer Putin and Chef Saucerer, his alchemist and apprentice, fight over the entrails of "Russia."
Make St Petersburg Great Swan Lakeside City Again! No warships or dual-use Ruschist oligarch yachts allowed in NATO waters.
"Estonia and Finland agreed to unite coastal defense after the latter joins the NATO military-political bloc. This will close the exit to the Baltic Sea for Russian warships. This was stated by Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur in an interview with Iltalehti newspaper."
⚡️On NATO Summit.
There's a difference between negotiating rhetoric ("I won't come to Vilnius unless...") and actual delivered results (detailed bilateral negotiations with the most important allies Ukraine has, which deliver needed weapons systems today).
If we measure success against the maximal outcomes we hoped for, then we shall be disappointed.
If we assay carefully, as a gold buyer, assays gold by rubbing, cutting, melting the detailed outcomes, we won't be disappointed.
Sadly, NATO security guarantees today mean nothing, unless (as I wish would happen) NATO forces would immediately intervene and annihilate Russia's forces in Ukraine.
Ukraine is steadily destroying Russia's force power already. And this goes to the "delivered results" criterion.
We might hope for "delivered results" that include F-35s and be disappointed. Yet, what is being negotiated and will be delivered as a result of this summit is of inestimable immediate value. So, let's not overdo the disappointment because our maximalist hopes haven't been realised.
79% of neutral Ireland supports military aid for Ukraine. That is an indicator of the absolute emptiness of the Ruschist Disinfo vector that support for Ukraine will wane.
Germany has so far provided €8b in weapons (second only to America), while the EU plans to provide €70b in aid over next few years (in 2021 a senior German diplomat in Ukraine told me that the €100,000,000 in aid EU had provided for Ukraine's decentralisation of local governance was one of the largest tranches of support for a non-EU country ever. Now, Ukraine is getting tens of billions...).
Let's bank these amazing manifestations of support, while mourning Ukraine's losses, and continuing to push for more.
⚡️"When I'm preparing for my lessons I always use something fun. Story with happy ending. Even 18yo students love fairy tales now. They believe in magic…A fairy tale helps us create our own reality. Without war, bombs. Without explosions, rockets. Even without occupation."