Pensées (91)
China’s Hidden Indo-European roots. Witch Switches. Character archetypes repersonified. Russian dreams.
⚡️Ancient Ukrainians seeded Uighur/Tarim Basin with the Tocharian Indo-European language. Since that time, the "they're foreigners" troll has been exploited. Today's Uighurs (who are genetically descended from much later settlers in the same place) are just the latest in a long line of "foreigners" persecuted there, cos they're different.
Current Chinese regime, despite its explicit Indo-European ideology (Communism-note the M-N-), seeks to deny its Indo-European inheritance.
Yet, Indo-European Mahayana Buddhism is a main constituent ingredient of every dimension of modern China, going back two thousand years.
And ancient Ukrainians seeded Tocharian in the Tarim Basin (where today’s Uigyars practice another mainly Indo-European religion today) via wheeled vehicles and many other innovations around 6,000 years ago.
⚡️Perennial Russian ‘Opposition’ Disinfolklore Character.
For a century, we’ve been used to the stock character of type ‘Russian Oppositionist.’
Navalny’s personal bravery in occupying the role of the stock Disinfolklore character was impressive - though he was killed anyway, did he speak out much about Ruschia’s murder of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians since 24th Feb 2022?
For stories of everyday heroism (and of Ruschism’s cruelty) focus not on Ruschia’s perennial stock ‘Opposition’ character, but on the unsung tales of heroism by ordinary Ukrainians resisting Ruschism in their millions every day (see
Had Navalny spoken out daily against Ruschism’s sacrifice of Ukrainians, and then been murdered, now that would have been a Russian Opposition’ character, perhaps, worth eulogising.
Beware of the Russian ‘Oppositionist’ who speaks once or twice about Ukraine, but who spends the rest of their time bashing Western leaders for NOT being tough enough on Ruschia.
KGB tactics love setting up the stage with fake ‘Opposition.’ They even created a pro-Russia political party in Ukraine called ‘Opposition Bloc’ that was led by Putin’s Godfather Medvedchuk and advised by Trump’s Campaign Manager Manafort.
Ruschia is a One Trick Pony in its creation of a shadow game involving ‘Legit Ruschist Dictator’ and ‘Russian Opposition Leader.’ Meanwhile, the real action takes place on another stage (today in Ruschia’s Killing Fields in Ukraine).
In the perennial Russian ‘Opposition’ character, we invest ALL our hopes that Muscovy’s repeated murders of those truly against the Moscow junta might end.
In the manner of a monarchy, (because even the so-called Russian ‘Opposition’ does not elect democratically its leaders), the mantle of chief personification of all the West’s hopes that Ruschia might change, can be passed between spouses.
As into a deity (or Sky Father / Dyeus Pater / Zeus Pater / Jupiter), we project our desires, dreams and wishes about a world in which you can oppose the existence of the imperialist Moscow state, without being killed into this character.
As in Baywatch, in every generation since the Bolsheviks, a new human has occupied the role of ‘Chief Russian Oppositionist.’
As in every generation, the stock Disinfolklore character leading the ‘Russian Opposition’ suck all the energy, all the world’s attention from the true opponents of Ruschism.
Today 42m Ukrainians, without the weapons they need, are putting their lives on the line to defeat Ruschism before Ruschism defeats all of us.
Centre Ukrainians, not Ruschia’s stock ‘Opposition Character.’
All roads to Ruschism’s defeat run through the killing fields of Ukraine. Focus on platforming Ukrainians, not Ruschia ‘Opposition’ who have zero power to destroy Ruschism (even if they wanted to).
⚡️I think the process which is going on here with the WitchSwitch (great term
, by the way) is one of constant Inner / Outer Realm redemarcation / re-identification. in astutely points out that Immigrants as an Other are the fundamental (along with Trans (it’s the meaning ‘Transgressors’ that is smuggled into our minds inside trolls about ‘Trans’ and gender neutral toilets, etc, I believe)) Outer Realm invaders coming to steal our personal, family and community life’s1. Sovereignty (Immigrants will gain political power and punish us. Ironically, in trying to deal with with chimera of the Immigrant Menace countries’ sovereignty is weakened in the attempt: Congress dissolves into a shambles, Brexit weakens Inner Realm England’s Sovereignty, Security, Fertility (economy, sustainability));
2. Security (Criminals); and
3. Fertility (lock up your daughters! branding Mexicans as r*apists, photos of mostly dark males populate far right memes - invading to steal our bloodlines, our daughters, our wives).
So since as we now know from archaeogenetics, archaeology and linguistics immigration is immanent in our genes, I believe its traumas (from being the migrant / community receiving the migrant infinite times in our pasts) are immanent in our minds (our karman) too.
This is why the WitchSwitch is able to trigger our fear mechanism every single time it uses the Immigrant Switch, in my humble opinion.
So this migrant othering works like a dream in triggering our desires to be in the Inner Realm. 100% guarantee! And as long as the Right uses immigration to hack brains to win power Ruschia will provoke the migrant flows through indiscriminate bombing. It’s a Closed loop perpetual motion machine powering those self-described Rightists today:
And the so-called Right (note the ‘Rt’ sound in SoveREIGNTy, SecuRITy, and FeRTility), without understanding why, sees a mechanical means (in raising immigration of immediately transferring Us and them between Inner and Outer Realm). Once we’re maintained in that state of fear (flight or fight) that they trigger through this rhetoric in our minds they then can hack our consent, our rational thought processes.
It fascinates me that the Writ / Right / Rite / Rch then attacks Disney, which does more than anything to help us learn to navigate smoothly the Inner / Outer Realm switching through its folktale-based art (the Outer Realm Black Californian princess marries the Inner Realm prince. And although she is expelled from the Inner Realm of England, along with her Inner Realm Prince Charming, well they live happily ever after in the Outer Realm):
I warned de Santis against taking on Disney:
Attacking Taylor Swift, whose supposed wholeness and great art (songs) also help us navigate the Inner / Outer Realm switching in our personal lives / mind is similarly dumb.
That Bannon and co’s scripts allow them to attack Disney and Taylor Swift demonstrates they don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t understand why this WitchSwitching works or why specific triggers (Immigrants / Marking out Transgressors of the Inner Realm’s supposed rules (dROIT)) works, but they do understand THAT it works to provoke certain personality types into a fever.
That lets them smuggle in their Bad Policies and covers up their incompetent governing with chaos.
I guess the drivers of this trolling learned early in life that they’re congenitally incompetent but that by creating chaos they can cover this up and compensate for it by Othering: Trump, Putin, all of them are so incompetent really. You and I can see that clearly, until suddenly we’re entranced with fear and they act as our saviours…
What I’ve set out here is the engine of Counter Disinfolklore - Controlling War Magic:
Russian Dreams:
⚡️"The West" "EU" "LGBTIQ" "gender" "Nazis" "America" "Europe" or "Poland" perform the same function in Ruschist rhetoric today as "international bourgeoisie" did to the Soviets. An Othering as a preparation and justification for a genocide against Ukrainians, & ultimately us.