Pensées (94)
Lettuce pray. Sciencey’s changing meanings and Bird Flu. Oil refinery bingo. Asia v Europe, in Kursk: Progress Report.
⚡️America’s mad king Don’s strategy.
Pile humiliation unto his supporters and enablers. The easier it’ll be to forcibly deport / murder millions of Americans in camps and wars.
After firing Inspectors’ General nine days ago, grounds for impeachment and conviction.
After firing FAA staff, and airliner crashes into DC, grounds for impeachment and conviction.
Assumption is that whatever Don Disinfolklore does will be permitted. Another Data Resistant Archetype - wait for my forthcoming paper on Battling Disinfolklore Archetypes: Druidey Don, Duncey Putin and The Comedian! Will be delivering it at the Pirate Party Security Conference in Munich later this month.
I’ll send a copy to this reader:
There’s no rule (outside of Disinfolklore Don’s MAGA Disinfolklore) that what Don does is not enough for his presidency to be destroyed.
Don has already done enough to deserve imprisonment for several lifetimes.
Lettuce count the hours til Mad King Don’s rule’s destroyed.
⚡️Sciencey’s changing meanings and Bird Flu.
Now with Bird Flu taking off, US CDC halting publication of ALL data, anti-vaxx US Health Secretary and Bhattacharya (Silicon Valley oligarchs chosen leader for its Feb 2020- Herd Immunity through Infection strategy that killed 30m globally directly and maimed hundreds of millions permanently as head of National Institutes of Health) the meaning of “herd immunity” will be further decoupled from reality.
Actual herds’ lack of immunity to Avian Flu will be rebranded as a “Herd Immunity through infection” strategy.
Cos that worked so well for humans and Covid.
Now, that Covid was so successfully minimised (initially through Silicon Valley’s attempt to avoid lockdowns) in some minds as “Just Like Flu,” actual flu is about to become more deadly than the already massively deadly Covid - WHO recently lamented that today 34 countries collect and share Covid death stats and in those 34 countries Covid still kills 4,000 humans a month.
Soon we shall be minimising flu by saying it’s “Just Like Covid,” and so disarmed, the herd of humans will self cull.
Sciencey at its best.
⚡️Today is Imbolg, the first of February, and the beginning of spring!
This day was celebrated right across what was once the entire Celtic Zone:
from Hercunian Forest (Czechia/Slovakia) to Ireland to Spain to Romania for thousands of years.
Enjoy! 😀
⚡️Idea that Ruschia would swop a Ruschian (Navalny, Kara-Murza, and the rest) for Ruschia’s own KGB/FSB criminals imprisoned in the West, makes perfect sense from a Ruschian perspective.
Bonkers that it seemed to make sense from perspective of criminal justice system in the West holding the criminals.
Seems like a perfect KGB operation. Ruschia swops one Russian hostage it doesn’t want for Ruschia criminals in western jail.
Meanwhile, strategic geniuses in Navalny team want a Marshall Plan for Ruschia while not yet understanding that ALL paths to reform in Ruschia lead through Ruschia’s utter defeat in Ukraine.
⚡️Is Ruschia Winning?
News that during the last week Ukraine eliminated around 7% of Ruschia’s oil refining capacity is also music to our ears. Ruschia’s oil production capacity has been reduced, much of it permanently, by about 23% since last year. Now Ukraine is attacking its oil transport pipelines to eliminate the possibility of it reaching ships in the Baltic or Black Seas.
Avdiivka is 29 of Ukraine’s 500,000
At least 50,000 Ruschist souls were spent over ten years to occupy 1/17,241 of Ukraine.
At this rate, it will take Ruschia
609,350,000 souls to conquer all of Ukraine.
Population of Ruschia 143,000 souls, and 5 chickens.
Bakhmut is 49 of Ukraine’s 500,000
It took Ruschia 100,000 souls to conquer Bakhmut.
It would take Ruschia 1,020,408,163 souls to capture all of Ukraine at the Bakhmut rate.
Population of Ruschia 143,000 souls, and 5 chickens.
⚡️Amazing how some journalists keep getting ‘scoops’ from right inside the Ruschist power vertical.
Who needs Wikileaks!
Presumably it occurs to these journos that they might be the subject of a Russian info-warfare operation.
Yet, as with GOP, the bites are so tantalisingly designed, they cannot resist promoting Ruschist trolls. Ruschists will do anything to pump Disinfolklore into our public discourse.
⚡️Takes one corrupt Supreme Court justice to force the court to hear an implausible case.
One corrupt Supreme Court justice’s wife participated actively in the Jan 6th insurrection.
The DC Jan 6th case is about holding ALL Jan 6th plotters to account - it’s just this first case focussed on Trump.
Ukraine impeached its corrupt Supreme Court justice - why can’t America?!
⚡️Navalnaya’s European Parliament speech decoded.
“I dispose of Ukraine by saying ‘everyone is used to the war.’
I don’t say that the SOLE way of defeating Ruschism is to help Ukraine win.
No. I focus all the blame on Putin and his criminal gang for being evil in unspecified ways. I don’t call on the European Parliament to support Ukraine whatever it takes.
No. I say that we must defeat Putin and his criminal gang. I don’t say, once Ruschia is forced to withdraw from Ukraine, Ruschia will be so destroyed, I will then be able to rebuild it in Alexei’s image.
I’m rather happy about Ruschia. I don’t mention imperialism. I just think Ruschia can be a better imperialist country without Outin’s criminal gang running Ruschia.
Should I bother mentioning Ukraine again, the 800,000 Ukrainians forcibly transferred? The hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians murdered by Ruschism? Nah. I just encourage EU to sanction Putin’s criminal gang. Implication is that any oligarch who’s NOT in Putin’s criminal gang should not be sanctioned.”
⚡️EXCLUSIVE: North Korea Bans Ruschia’s Use of Its Shells in Ukraine.
News that North Korean forces have been (temporarily?) withdrawn from fighting against Ukrainian defenders in Ruschia’s Kursk region is music to our ears.
Kursk, which until relatively recently, was part of Ukraine is a perfect place for Asia to face off against Europe. Ancient Ukraine’s Don (Tanais) River was the dividing line between Asia and Europe for millennia.
“We don’t want to be a party to this war. Besides, Ruschia has been shelling its own forces since March 2014 as a pretext.
“Now, Russia can use N Korean shells to provoke itself in line with its innovative Wifebeater / Victim blaming / Provocation Logic.
“Why wait to become a victim? Just bomb yourself using N Korea shells blame NATO or Ukraine. Suddenly, you have an iron clad Casus Belli.”
“Russia’s Provocation Logic Cycle is a key Disinfolklore weapon… Let’s set it out in its simplest form:
A accuses B of provoking A.
A surrenders to the provocation. A bombs the school.
A is NOT to blame. B is to blame, because B provoked A…” See Disinfolklore (7)
⚡️Engineered word “Disinfolklore”from my experience as a diplomat on that bridge at Stanitsia Luhanska in eastern Ukraine.
For several years, I negotiated daily through a fog of intention/motivation/attitude-perverting Russian propaganda with armed Russian bridge trolls guarding their occupied rebel troll kingdom from Ukrainian armed forces...