⚡️When Russia Blew the Dam:
When Russia blew Kakhovka dam exactly one year ago, it killed billions of sentient beings.
Just last week Russia sent 2 hypersonic missiles to destroy Zaporizhzhia dam.
We will not forgive.
We will not forget.
There will be no safe place on this earth for the perpetrators of these crimes.
Except for the grave.
️Russia blowing up Ukraine’s Khakovka Dam exactly one year ago has had several unforeseen consequences.
⚡️"🐕A dog from the Kherson region was able to survive and swam on a raft from the remains of a house almost to Odesa: it was seen and saved by locals🙏"
⚡️"An entire island, from Kherson, with a scared deer is washed ashore near Odesa."
⚡️Video: Ruschist Soldiers’ Laughs As They Blew Up Khakovka Dam.
⚡️Kherson And The Straw That Broke The Swans' Backs.
"No such thing in Kherson as the 'straw which broke the camel's back'.
⚡️Apollo commuted between Ancient Greece and Ancient Ukraine (Land of the Hyperboreans) using swan-pulled chariots.
If you plant mines in a nuclear power plant or on a dam and there's an "accident" it's not an accident.
It's the foreseeable result of your actions.
Unless you're under the age of six.
⚡️Ecocide is a Feature NOT a Bug of Ruschism.
⚡️Meaning of Ruschists’ dam destruction?
Ruschia’s on genocide autopilot. To destroy Ukraine’s infrastructure at the beginning of winter might make strategic sense, according to Ruschist logic. To do it now stinks of desperation. I knew from first moment of full-scale invasion, Ruschia would destroy Ukraine’s dams.
How? History. Ruschia could never win in Ukraine. Therefore, it will try to annihilate Ukraine. Create a Waste Land.
⚡️Zaporizhzhia Dam was the pride of the Soviet Union.
⚡️Putler visiting Zaporizhzhia dam his forces tried to destroy today.
In 1941 Soviets destroyed the dam, which the US had built for USSR, killing 100,000 Ukrainians. Ruschia wanted to prevent the Nazis killing these 100,000 Ukrainians. Ruschia has always claimed a monopoly on murdering Ukrainians.
⚡️Ancient Ukraine is where the first Indo-European language evolved. The Yamnaya exactly around where Ruschists blew the dam (https://www.decodingtrolls.net/p/what-that-exploded-dam-reveals-about) on the Dnieper created the first Indo-European language, religion, Indo-European patriarchal social model, industrialised use of wheeled carts, and the domesticated horse.
⚡️Zmiiny's M-N- sound first appeared in the Ancient Ukrainians' word for the Moon (*Meh1not).
Mana travelled from Ancient Ukraine (around where Ruschists blew the dam) where it first meant "Moon" around 4,000 BCE into colonising the meanings and signifiers of some of the most important words across all Indo-European languages that manifested out of Ancient Ukrainian...
⚡️Russia blowing up Ukraine’s Zaporozhzhia, Kryvyi Rih and Khakovka Dams has had several unforeseen consequences. Apart from Ecocide, and manifesting Ruschia’s eternal reversion to the Mean.
If they wanted to Both Sides the issue they might have chosen to “debate” which part of the Russian Nazi power vertical wants to blow the dam and ZNPP
UN GA has voted three times to expel Russia from Ukraine. Only FIVE countries think Russia should be in Ukraine.
⚡️Africa needs Ukraine to expel the Ruschists and their dam exploding ecocidal tumult-bringing chaos.
⚡️If @lukeharding1968 insists on Both Sides'ing this issue what about “debating” which part of the Russian Nazi power vertical wants to blow the dam and ZNPP? There are several Ruschist power verticals occupying the nuclear power plant…